29 APRIL 1972

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Death of socialism

The Spectator

Tibor Szamuely Socialism and the Great War: The Collapse of the Second International Georges Haupt (OUP £5.00) 1914 is beyond doubt the blackest date of our century, perhaps of...

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Edward Norman on Irish nationalism

The Spectator

The Green Flag: A History of Irish Nationalism Robert Kee (Weidenfeld and Nicolson £5.95). A massive history of Irish nationalism by a television journalist is not a promising...

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Magazine women

The Spectator

Gillian Freeman Women in Print Alison Adburgham (Allen and Unwin £5.95) The literary world is divided by men into writers and women writers. Sometimes I think that only Richmal...

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SPectator, April 29, 1972 s cIENcE S Peaking out

The Spectator

8ernard Dixon 4Should scientists attempt to speak with a elp eitno n v : la)0,, ievvpoint, so that the public ', Where the community of scien ce !Land s [tin n genetic...

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Will Waspe's Whispers

The Spectator

Things are going quite nicely, I ' m told, for that sprightly entrepreneur, David Missen, in his effort to collect an ' investment fund ' of £50,000 for the purpose of backing...

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The Spectator

Greeks and ancients Christopher Hudson A few days ago I managed to catch up with Face to Face ('X') at the Venus Cinema in Kentish Town. It is a bright and lively Greek film...

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The Spectator

Joey and the revolution Benny Green I find it gratifying to discover thirty years after the event what Pal Joey is really about. Its true theme was apparently missed when John...

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Member's Bills

The Spectator

From Mr and Mrs J. Parkes Sir: Congratulations on the excellent article (April 8) highlighting the anomalies of parliamentary procedure, particularly of Private Members Bills....

Youth theatre

The Spectator

Sir: I was sorry to see Will Waspe's criticism of the Shaw Theatre's policy in your issue of April 15. As it was directed at me personally, may I have a little space to reply....

Press award

The Spectator

Sir: One of the IPC press awards this year was to Mr John Clare of the Times as news reporter of the year. The only piece of journalism that I can recall of Mr John Clare in the...

The Irish mess

The Spectator

Sir: There is good reason for the members of the suspended Stormont government and the people of Northern Ireland to regard the intention s of the Westminster government with...

Irish, English

The Spectator

From professor John Vaizey Sir: Whatever else it does, being born in Dublin of Irish parents does not make you English, which is what Mr Enoch Powell said that the Duke of...

Toryism, Whiggery

The Spectator

Sir: .Pleasant as it is to see Professor Vincent once more writing for The Spectator (April 15), he cannot be allowed to get off scot-free with presenting socialist/liberal...

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A. Brownlee 509 Lanark Road, Juniper Green, Midlothian.

The Spectator

The New Statesman * Sir: The Chairman, the Editor, the staff

The Spectator

and some of the readers have had their say on the New Statesman's future. May 1 offer the point of view of a freelance who has worked for the last thee editors — and compare...

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The Spectator

Through the Top the lot Nicholas Davenport When the miners' strike was g oin g on it was noted that the Stock Exchan g e boom in e q uity shares was never halted. When the...

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The Spectator

Textile option John Bull Just compare the irritation caused by the buzzing of a wasp as one dozes in the summer's sun and how the rail strike has disturbed the stock market as...

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The Spectator

Jobs in social work Jef Smith The point was very reasonably made in the course of the recent reorganisation of social work that far more jobs were created than there were able...