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t is, on the face of it, astonishing that, only

The Spectator

week after registering two most convincing y-election gains, including the capture of est Walthamstow which Labour managed hold even in the debacle of 1931, the Con- ative party...

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The scalded cat

The Spectator

Notwithstanding our obsessive concern with the nature of our relations with the United States there are periods of mutual disen- chantment. Such a phase has coincided with the...

Portrait of the week

The Spectator

Mr George Brown went to New York to dance the frug and tell the United Nations about Vietnam, Rhodesia and the Middle East. Russia announced publicly that she was stepping up...

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B-stream lament

The Spectator

CHRISTOPHER HOLLIS 'We do not mind whether they supervise our lunches or what are their methods of dis- cipline. All that we care about is that the eleven-plus should be...

An open letter to Mr Auberon Waugh

The Spectator

POLITICAL COMMENTARY ALAN WATKINS DEAR BRON, William Boot, you will recall, wrote a column entitled 'Lush places.' I am afraid you will find few of them in your new field as...

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Seven-man band

The Spectator

NIGERIA RUSSELL HOWE Lagos — The impending arrival of the seven- man peace mission of heads of state nominated by the recent African summit conference in Kinshasa...

Ping-pong game

The Spectator

AMERICA MURRAY KEMP TON New York—Mr Harry Ashmore is the newest of those persons ranging in eminence downward from the Secretary-General of the United Nations who have...

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McNamara drops the other shoe

The Spectator

DEFENCE: ABM LAURENCE MARTIN The possibility of America joining Russia in the anti-ballistic missile business has been so inten- sively debated in the last year or two that Mr...

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The Spectator

Attractive people

The Spectator

SPIES GEOFFREY MeDERMOTT Many of my best friends are spies, or spooks as the Americans call them. There are two good reasons for this. My Foreign Office duties for a decade or...

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The Spectator

DENIS BROGAN That's the end of an Auld Sang.' Lord Bel- haven's famous comment on the end of the Scottish Estates on the union of the Parlia- ments of Scotland and England in...

King's move

The Spectator

THE PRESS DONALD McLACIILAN Believe it or not, there was a time when one man could—or believed he could—edit a national newspaper and the Encyclopaedia Britannica...

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Instant opinion

The Spectator

TELEVISION STUART HOOD The broadcaster has an absolute duty to keep himself informed about his audience. He must know its likes add dislikes, be aware of its reactions and...


The Spectator

MEDICINE JOHN ROWAN WILSON One of the most encouraging aspects of the Neasden affair has been the balanced and sym- pathetic reaction of the general public. While it is...

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The Spectator

J. W. M. THOMPSON As some readers will have noticed from press reports, an unusual discussion is at the moment in progresi between the Periodical Publishers Association (to...

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A hundred years ago

The Spectator

From the 'Spectator'. 28 September 1867—The great event of the week is the arrest of Gari- baldi on Monday at Sinalunga, near Sienna, on his way to the Papal frontier. The...

Reality, where are you?

The Spectator

PERSONAL COLUMN KENNETH ALLSOP In one off-Off-Broadway theatre last summer you could, for half a dollar, goggle at random groups of people herded in to set up a com- munal pad...

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An elegant arabesque AUTUMN BOOKS

The Spectator

ROBERT RHODES JAMES On 4 May 1937 Lady Colefax gave a dinner party. The Winston Churchills, the Duff Coopers, Noel Coward, Henry and Lady Honor Channon and Harold Nicolson were...

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Oxford accent

The Spectator

J. H. PLUMB Religion, the Reformation and Social Change H. R. Trevor-Roper (Macmillan 63s) Reformation to Industrial Revolution Chris- topher Hill (Weidenfeld and Nicolson...

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Together again

The Spectator

ANTHONY BURGESS A Prelude: Landscapes, Characters and Con- versations from the Earlier Years of My Life Edmund Wilson (W. H. Allen 30s) Professor Grumbach tells us...

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Green berets

The Spectator

SIR ROBERT THOMPSON I was rather left with the impression by this book that the 'mission' of the United States Army, and especially of the Airborne and Special Forces, is to...

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Young Dickens

The Spectator

DEREK PATMORE The Making of Charles Dickens Christopher Hibbert (Eyre and Spottiswoode 50s) The British are inclined to underestimate their great writers and take their fame...

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The Spectator

Gaudy and grey . PETER VANSITTART The Scapegoat August Strindberg translated by Arvid Paulson (W. H. Allen 21s) The Wind Shifts Alan Sharp (Michael Joseph 30s) Tales .of...

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The Evans country : finale

The Spectator

5.40. The Bay View. After the office, Evans drops in for a quick glass of stout, Then, by the fruit-maohine, runs into Haydn, Who's marrying the kid he's nuts about. Of course,...

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Political ark

The Spectator

ALAN WATKINS Parliament from the Press Gallery T. F. Lindsay (Macmi11an•30s) 'My dear boy, what are they talking about in there?' Mr T. F. Lindsay has often inquired of me,...

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Topless towers

The Spectator

DENIS BROGAN The first thing to expect of any guide to Manhattan is that it shall convey the extra- ordinary character of the city, or, to give it its strict legal title, the...

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The Spectator

JOHN HORDER Creatures wandering in and out of paradise Lost in this world. This one clutching at drink A palmist A solitary palmist. A card turns up. He glances at it. My...

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Tat won't do

The Spectator

OPERA CHARLES REID The first of this year's Ring cycles, three- quarters of the way through at this writing, has been worth anybody's money for the Covent Garden orchestra and...

It's that Bergman again AUTS

The Spectator

PENELOPE HOUSTON A few years ago a possibly apocryphal story was going the rounds about Orson Welles, wan- dering casually into the middle of some film festival screening and...

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Colour bar

The Spectator

ART BRYAN ROBERTSON There's a good deal on at the moment worth serious, sceptical or glum attention. At the Hanover, the American lady sculptor, Marisol, has presented us with...

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The Spectator

Power people HILARY SPURLING Mrs Wilson's Diary (Theatre Royal, Stratford, E15) Philadelphia Here I Come! (Lyric), Mrs Wilson's Diary, by John Wells and Richard Ingrams, has...

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Taking stocks

The Spectator

JOHN BULL Intending this week to provide some advice about buying and selling ordinary shares so as to beat inflafion and provide a modest income, I find that I must begin by...

Cynicism in Rio MONEY

The Spectator

NICHOLAS DAVENPORT 'Rolling down to Rio' have gone all my friends of the financial world to attend the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. If...

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Market notes

The Spectator

CUSTOS The gilt-edged market suffered a sharp setback this week with the rise in American bill rates (ninety-one-day bills) to 4.63 per cent—the highest since January. The Bank...

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Table talk

The Spectator

LETTERS From Ronald Hingley, Sir Denis Brogan, Alan H. Richardson, Sir Brandon Rhys Williams, Barry Rose, Dr Michael Watts, R. A. Cline, R. C. Hall, John Stone, Ned Sherrin....

Dear bubbly

The Spectator

CONSUMING INTEREST LESLIE ADRIAN Noting, but not comprehending, my affection for champagne, an admirer once presented me with an elegant swizzle-stick. This was clearly an...

Sir: I don't feel particularly distressed by learning (Letters, 22

The Spectator

September) that Mr Graham Greene now lives in France and not in England. I don't see how it affects my argument, although Mr Greene is more likely to suffer the horrors of...

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The tyrant's plea

The Spectator

Sir: I regret that, due to a mis-hearing on the tele- phone, my article about the Enfield case (22 Sep- tember) states that counsel for the Minister sub- mitted that parents and...

Danger : people

The Spectator

Sir: While the site of New Ash Green was not part of the original, extremely narrow, London green belt, Mr Leslie Bilsby (Letters, 22 September) knows as well as I do that it...

Mr Heath and the chairman

The Spectator

Sir: I was rather hoping that someone else would take issue with you on your article concerning the Tory leadership. I agree, of course, that any talk of a `power struggle'...


The Spectator

Sir: Mr Donald McLachlan's comment (15 Septem- ber) on the outrageous jargon that pervades concert programme notes. must strike deeply sym- pathetic chords in the hearts of...

TV's dream paper

The Spectator

Sir: I wonder why Donald McLachlan (22 Sep- tember) clipped 700.000 copies off the Radio Times circulation figure. or was it a printers' error? For the record, Radio Times...

Public ends and private means

The Spectator

Sir: Your correspondent, Alan Smith (22 Septem- ber) has certainly. hit the nail on the head in rais- ing the 'Condition of the People' issue. If we study the OLC election...

Sir: It is true, as Mr Ashe suggested (Letters, 15

The Spectator

September), that Tories are not unanimous over selectivity, but I believe it is the latter-day means- testers who are introducing a new and controversial note. Since the...

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Cocktail time

The Spectator

Sir: Heaven forbid that I should re-write Cole Porter, who once wired Frank Sinatra, quite rightly, asking Sinatra why he sang his songs if he didn't like the way they were...


The Spectator

JOHN WELLS In Jonathan Aitken's latest product-300 pages, blue cloth boards, snaps of Twiggy with Justin de Villeneuve and David Frost with Clive Irving, bright red, white and...

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Crossword no. 1293

The Spectator

Across 1 How to make one's way in a crush to the sideboard? (6) 4 This life is novel (8) 10 Declaration by a Stevenson hero (7) 11 Guy's no militiaman in America! (7) 12 Look...

Chess no. 354

The Spectator

PHILIDOR J. Zaldo (1st prize, Stratford Express, 1950). White to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to no. 353 (Ellerman): Q - B 7, threat Q x P. 1 . . ....