2 OCTOBER 1830

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The Spectator

The proclamation of the Prince was dated the 21st of Sep- tember, at Antwerp. The same day on which the proclamation Was issued, a detachment or the Dutch troops, as the...

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The chief topic of the French newspapers during the week

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has been the impeachment of the late Ministers. This subject was discussed at the sittings of the 27th and 28th September. On the order of the day being, read, M. de MARTIGNAC...

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A despatch from Algiers, dated September 6th, represents the affair

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at Belida as having been much exaggerated. The Sheik of Moussa has written to General CLA.USEL, to tell him that the Bey of Titeri is a boaster, who has no means of carrying his...

Amidst the general tumult of Europe, the people of Hanover

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are playing their little part. On the 12th of September, a number of papers were posted on the g ates of the Linden suburb, full of ex- travagancies, say the c re report b s....

A short time after the return of the Elector of

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Hesse Cassel from Carlsbad, a petition was addressed to him, signed by several thousands of the inhabitants of Cassel, praying him to con- voke the States. On the 14th of...

On the 16th of September, four journeymen tailors met in

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a little Public-house in Berlin,to play a game at cards. The gensdarmes, Who smelt some terrible plot in the .congregation at one point of 10 many vulgar factions, surrounded...

A revolution of a very orthodox kind had nearly been

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effected in Schwerin on the 19th of September. The object of the Libe- rals in that little Ducal town, was not to storm the Government, but the mint ; and they were...

Letters from Perpignan, of the 20th of September, mention the

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arrival on the previous day of General MILANs. The refu- gees are hastening from all quarters to join him. There is a con- siderable display of force in Biscay, consisting of...

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The Jamaica papers of the middle of August (the 15th)

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de- scribe the condition of Colombia as extremely unsettled. The troops under General MONTILLO have, it is said, at length received a small portion of the pay due to them •...

Recent accounts from the Pacific describe the English as in

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rnauvaise odeur both with the Peruvian and the Chilian Govern- ments. The predominant faction in Peru had confiscated some property belonging to the English merchants, among...

' The settlement of affairs at Dresden seems to have

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given great satisfaction. On the 14th of September, the National and Mu- nicipal Guards passed in review before the King and the Princes, all of whom were received with...

.The French papers mentioned, some time ago, an incipient at-

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tempt at revolution in Piedmont : it was immediately put down. The wife of the principal actor, one ALLEMANDI, has been driven out ofthe Canton de Vaud, where she had resided...

While in other quarters the people are demanding or entreating,

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with various success, a constitutional form of government, the people of Norway are curiously exemplifying the nature of that which, according to their own Manner of viewing it,...

The Kum—We are counselled in Scripture, when we make a

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feast, to invite to it the poor and the destitute, because they cannot repay the favour. The feasting or feting of children has the same species of re- commendation. They are...

The Hamburgh papers contain a copy of the Emperor of

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Aus- tria's speech on the opening of the Hungarian Diet. The only fact it contains is the announcement by the Emperor, of his de- sire, pursuant to ancient custom, to have the...

The Northern Bee describes the cholera morbus as prevailing in

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several parts of Southern Russia ; it is said to have been im- ported from Persia. At Tiflis, 237 persons died in ten days ; and in Astrachan, 200 in two days; among the victims...

The King of Naples was still living on the 12th

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of September ; but there was little hope entertained of his life being saved. The hereditary Prince means, it is said, to give his subjects a constitu- tion, as the only means...

Some disturbances have taken place at Geneva, in consequence of

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a rise in the price of bread ; they were soon tranquillized. Such i disturbances were not uncommon n this country thirty years ago. They have ceased, partly from the increasing...

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Mn. BROUGHAM'S PLAN or REFORM—At a dinner given on Mon-

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day at Sheffield to Lord Morpeth and Mr. Brougham,—Lord Milton in the chair,—Mr. Brougham, in returning thanks when his health was drunk, pledged himself to a specific plan of...

FUNERAL or Mn. HUSKISSON.—The last honours to this excellent man

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and profound statesman were paid on Friday week. At the earliest solicitations of his constituents, respectfully conveyed through the me- dium of Lord Granville, Mrs....

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• Guards, commanded by the Duke of Wellington, vas brought

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out from his place of confinement into the Armory Yard, St. James's Park, in order to undergo the punishment awarded to him by a court-martial. The unfortunate man, about three...

would not only restore him to health, but to the

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vigour of twenty-five. Mr. Newton was treated as all persons are (or were) who snake any appli. 'ESCAPE OF A CONVICT FROM NEWGATE.—A fellow named Philips, cation at the palace...

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week. It strange, while there is so very simple a

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preventative to be found in the ingenious patent of Mr. Somerville, that so , zhould happen every year that passes over us. The manner in which fire-arms are handled, is in...

DEATH or PUBLIC MEN.—It is a sad reflection to think

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how many of our public men have, within a comparatively short period, perished. miserably. Percival was murdered, the Marquis of Londonderry fell by his own hand, so did...

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OPERA DRESS. —A dress of changeable gros d'Automne, peach.blos- som, shot with lavender of a very dark shade. The corsage cut low, and open in front, to display a blond lace...


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The following report is from the Morning Herald ; which is ge- nerally distinguished for its agricultural intelligence.—" The weather, during great part of this mouth, has been...

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THE NETHERLANDS. Monier:eta CuttotaienE—The King of the Netherlands may not be an evil-intentioned mail; but he is evidently a very weak man. Ass constitutional king, he ought...

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On the 18th ult. mit Eirlcaldy, N.B. Mrs. STOCKS of Abden, of a daughter. • At Freefield, on the 17th ult. the Lady of Major-General Sir A LEXA NDE Izmir, K.C.13. of a Comm....


The Spectator

Wmt Oprres, Sept. 28.-14th Regt. of Light Dragoons : C. E. S. Curwen, to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Kennedy, who retires; C. Thornhill, Gent., to be Cornet, by purchase, vice...

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DUTY OF ENGLAND IN REGARD TO BELGIUM. Is England called on to interfere in the dispute between the King of the Netherlands and his subjects ? Will she interfere ? These are...


The Spectator

SPECTATOR OFFICE, SATURDAY, Two O'CLOCK. We have just received a Brussels paper (the Newsfrom Home) of the 29th of September, one day later than the previous ac- counts. Every...

Wilts OF TI1E ROYAL SOCIETY.—From a paragraph in the Lite-

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rary Gazette of this morning, we perceive there are still considerable differences to be arranged among the members' of the Royal Society. The minutes of the Society are still...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING,—The difficulties which lately involved the affaits of Belgium have been-so much increased by the late attack on Brus- sels, and its subsequent...

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THE King, it is said, has commanded his private secretary to pro- cure for his inspection a list of the clerks in the several depart- runts of the Treasury, with the amount of...

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DEAR SPECTATOR, Bruges, Tuesday, September 28. I LEST Brussels a few days after my last letter, dated, I think, on Friday the 17th; and from Bruges, a few days afterwards, I...


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OUR grandfathers sang a glee, beginning • " If a man were secure That his life would endure To a thousand long years," and continuing to imagine the prodigious works he would on...

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LADY MORGAN'S • " FRANCE." * LADY MORGAN, " with all thy faults I love thee still." Unluckily, critics are more alive do faults than beauties, and it is their pro- fession to...


The Spectator

OLD Drury opened its portals last night for the first time under the new management. The interior of the theatre has been entirely redecorated in a novel and tasteful style, at...


The Spectator

THE Brissotines were the Moderate Reformers of the French Revolution. They were quite as averse to the Monarchy as the Mountain faction, and therefore equally hateful to the...

MUSTER-ROLL OF MUSICIANS.—The Musical Society of Classical Composition in Paris

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intend publishing, very shortly, a biographical dictionary of the most celebrated composers and performers, from the time of Handel down to Rossini. Amongst them, the French...

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This is atothei of the numerous family of " cheap publications," as they are called. The principal advantage which these works " in little " present, is, that a reader may pick...

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Picturesque Views of the Antiquities of Ireland. Drawn on Stone by J. D. HARDING, from the Sketches of R. O'CALLAG.• HAN NEWENHAM. 2 Vols. The scenery and antiquities of...

Pompeiana Part IV.

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It is curious to observe the contrast afforded in the pictures discovered at Pompeii, by he refinement of the style and propriety of sentiment in their designs, and the rudeness...

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Adelaide, Baroness Ribblesdale. Engraved by E. SCRIVEN for La Belle

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Assenzblee, from a Painting by Mrs. CARPENTER. There is nothing very striking in this portrait, except that the mouth is on one side, which spoils the look of a very pretty...

National Portrait Gallery. Part XVIII.

The Spectator

We are glad to observe an evident improvement in the execution of the plates of this . number, which are engraved in the chalk manner. The portraits are all from LAWRENCE and...

The Vicar of Wakefield. Painted by G. S. NEwroiv, Engraved

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by JOHN BumItrr. This is an admirable picture, of sterling merit, and is worthy of Kra . NEWT ox's well - earned fame. There is an integrity about his style,. which depends for...


The Spectator

WE are really tired of making exceptions to the plates of this work ; which are anything but illustration; and hardly come up to the charac- ter of embellishments. In a recent...

Sir H. Halford, Bart. Engraved by TURNER, from a Painting

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by Sir THOMAS LAWRENCE. An intelligent countenance, with strong perceptive faculties, a scru- tinizing look, and a pleasing urbanity of character. The mezzotint is flat and...

Sir Humphry Davy,' Bart. Engraved by ROBERT NEWTON, from a

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Picture by Sir THOMAS LAWRENCE. Sensitiveness mixed with feebleness and an almost morbid excitement are expressed in this face, especially in the eyes, which render the coun-...


The Spectator

The Princess Victoria, Engraved by RICHARD GOULDING, from painting by WILLIAM FOWLER. The original picture from which this print is engraved, was the occa- sion, we believe, of...

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THE DIGAMMA.—ThiS famous letter, which at one period performed so important a function in Greek orthography, and which still appears in a great number of Latin words derived, or...


The Spectator

Chants Poionais, Nationaux et Poptilaires; avec Accompagne- ment de Piano on Harpe. Par ALBERT Sourtivsxt. Paris, 1830. These popular airs have been collected and arranged by...


The Spectator

Arrived.—At Gravesend, Sept. 28th, Eleanor, Edmonds, from Madras; Eagle, Smith, from Singapore; and Clansman, Ritchie, from Van Dieman's Land. 29th, Kathrine Stewart Forbes,...

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Tuesday, September 28. PARTNEIRSHIPS DISSOLVED. • NEWMAN and Elsamss. Golden Square, auctioneers—O. and J. -Amine, York. -surgeons—KITCHEN and Ps ACOCK, Sheffield,...


The Spectator

BRITISH. 3 per Cent. Reduced 3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account . 31 per Cent. Old 3} per Cent. New . . 4 per Cent. .. .......... Bunk Stock .. Ditto L. A..... India Bonds...

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TO *vettator+ LONDON: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1830.