2 OCTOBER 1875

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The court-martial on the loss of the 'Vanguard' has ended,

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as it was quite obvious to any one who read the evidence that it must end,—with a sharp reprimand to the leading officers of the 'Vanguard,' which implies an equally sharp...

It is stated that the Northern Powers are agreed on

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regarding as satisfactory the guarantees demanded by the Insurgents,—namely, the right of Christians to give evidence in courts of justice ; the selection of the police from...


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A WAR with China seems imminent. Mr. Wade has given notice that he should leave Pekin on the last day of Septem- ber, unless by that time satisfactory concessions had been made...

It seems but too true that the Government of M.

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Buffet has really come to the suicidal resolution to insist on the change from the mode of voting called the scrutia de lisle to that called the scruuin d'arrondissement,—the...

Marshal MacMahon certainly occupies a very peculiar place as the

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Constitutional head of a Republic which is intended to give free play to parliamentary discussion and parliamentary responsi- bility. His friends never lose an opportunity of...

There is as yet no critical change in the character

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of the news from Turkey and her insurgent provinces. But it is clear that the insurrection, so far from having been suppressed, is more active than it was a few weeks ago, and...

* * * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in anycase.

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Henry Wainwright has not yet been committed for trial on

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the charge of making away with Harriet Lane, but while one slight point has been made which will tell in his favour, several strong bits of evidence unfavourable to him have...

Mr. Disraeli and Sir William Harcourt,—the Luther and Melanchthoa of

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the New Reformation, as Sir Wilfrid Lawson called them,—have been cementing their ecclesiastical friendship on an appropriate occasion,—the reopening, after elaborate...

We have got into another little misunderstanding with Spain, caused

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by the overbearing Spanish habit of finding smugglers in every foreign trading-vessel which touches at Spanish ports, and by the somewhat brusque mode in which our English...

Sir 'William Harcourt, in acknowledgment, declared that he

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always had felt it and always should feel it a great honour, as well as a great pleasure, to be Mr. Disraeli's guest, and that for him, as well as for the Bishop of Oxford,...

Mr. Forster made another Educational speech on Wednesday at Bradford,

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on the opening of a new endowed grammar-school of a high grade for girls. He insisted on the importance of estab- lishing scholarships, both into it from the primary schools,...

Yesterday week, Mr. Forster made a good speech at Leeds

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in favour of welcoming the Cambridge University extension system to that great town. Leeds was considering, it was true, the foun- dation of a local College of Science of her...

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The Globe asserts that a young lady in France has

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begun to keep ants for the purpose of selling ants' eggs to the breeders of pheasants—creatures which are said to be frantically fond of that delicacy. In order to make a...

At a meeting in Waterford, which was held at the

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same date, to invite the City Members, Messrs. O'Gorman and Power, to give an account of their Parliamentary conduct, Mr. Sargent, a leading elector, opposed the proposal, on...

Darlington celebrated, on Monday last, with sumptuous hos- pitality, the

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fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the first English railroad, crowning the occasion by erecting a statue to the memory of its eminent citizen, Joseph Pease. Upwards of...

The proceedings on the occasion of Mr. Butt's appearance before

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his constituents, last iveek, did not terminate with that harmony whith the first report led us to believe had prevailed. After Mr. Butt and his colleague, Mr. O'Shaughnessy,...

The evidence as to the excellent behaviour of the '

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Castalia,' the double ship plying between Dover and Calais, in stormy weather, accumulates rapidly. Apparently even when the ordinary Dover and Calais packet-boat is swept over...

In Leeds, again, a meeting was held on Thursday to

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denounce this unfortunate Circular, in which Mr. Baines, formerly Member Leeds, warmly assailed the order as the greatest blunder ,Vder made by a Government, and the meeting...

The angry feeling caused by the ill-behaviour of the Roman-

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Catholic mob of Montreal in relation to the Guibord ease appears to have broken out last Sunday in Protestant violence of a similar, or worse than similar kind,—for one can,...

The Bishop of Oxford (Dr. Mackarnesa) made a very inju-

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dicious attack, in opening a new voluntary school at Wokingham, on Thursday, on Board-Schools, and Board School management. Popular election, he said, could not produce a Board...

The view which we took three weeks ago of the

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Admiralty -order as to fugitive slaves, and to which in two successive articles we have since returned, is now at last accepted by the whole -country, where meeting after...

Consols were at the latest date 93 to 94.

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THE CLOUD IN THE FAR EAST. L ONG approaching, with steady steps, the probability of a war between England and the Chinese Empire seems nearer than at any period since the...

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SERVICE. —1T HE Court-martial on the loss of the ' Vanguard ' is the most serious warning which England has yet received that in intellectual discipline she is not up to the...

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W E suppose it to be inevitable that in the languid condition into which politics are now fallen, worthy persons will go on making, as they have been making, spasmodic efforts...

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TT is easy to censure, and at the same time difficult not to share, the cheerful composure with which Commissioners and audience alike receive the account of the electoral...

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TBE doctrine that the exercise of political right developes political capacities, that men who are allowed to blunder along their own way will at length learn to walk upright in...

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TF there be a region easy to get at, beautiful when one reaches it, and calculated to satisfy all one's suscepti- bility to associations, that region is Box Hill and its sur-...

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BLIN I D eritic would hardly think Mr. Irving's "Macbeth" a very fine performance, though there are scenes in it which even - lie would consider of the very highest power ; a...

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TR. FORSTER, in his very interesting speech last week at IN.1. Leeds, on the subject of University extension, said he supposed that a much higher amount of. education would make...

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A SUMMER DRIVING-TOUR.--III. [TO TRH EDITOR OF TEl "RPROTATOR.1 SIR,—The horse-books assert, in the midst of their very uncom- fortable information about Megrims,' that the...

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THE GREAT POINTS IN THE GITIBORD CASE. [TO 77D1 EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sur,—Some points in this case are most interesting, not only in themselves, but as bearing on the...

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go THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR Sm,—Mr. Cardwell's letter is very interesting, as showing us how the Education Act can be worked out by public-spirited men to its logical...

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "Srscreroa."]

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Sin,—The remarks as to Exhibitions for Poor Scholars in first- grade schools, and the suggestions as to the way in which the ex- aminations may be adapted to the attainments of...


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Sur,—In referring to Mr. Shee's letter to the Times on this case, you appear to assume that he is right in stating that the Roman Catholic Church in the Dominion is "not a body...

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SIR,—Excellent as is the plan (described in your last number by Mr. Cardwell) of offering entrance exhibitions to the highest-class schools of a town, it does not meet the...


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(TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.") Sin,—The sentence of the Court-martial in effect pronounces that the 'Vanguard' was lost by the want of brains in the Admiral, Captains,...


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you are not one to despise "unconsidered trill" when they have merit, perhaps you will find room for the following epitaph, on a Deal boatman, which I copied the other day from...


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BALFE, THE COMPOSER.* SECOND NOTICE.] WHEN the fortunate youth, who picked up patrons and purses as nobody else out of fairy-lore ever picked them up, went to Italy for the...

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WHAT a pity it is that an advance in art does not always imply an advance in popular favour ! Here is Mr. Gibbon, in whose novels hitherto we have had to regret the presence of...

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• The Chinese - Classics. Translated into English , with Preliminary Essays and Explanatory Notes. By James Legge, D.D. 'Vol. IL London ; Trubner. 1875. THE people who proudly...

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THE writer of this story, who would seem, as the initials upon the title-page stand alone, without reference to any previous work, to be one who has not published before, if a...

WHAT WE SAW IN AUSTRALIA.* TnEnE are a number of

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things which an intelligent person may see in any foreign country worth his attention, but which are scarcely important enough to be described at length in a book. These things...

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"AN adequate work," said Sir William Harcourt, in the preface to his well-known " Historicus" letters, "on the Rights and Duties of Neutrals, founded on a sound basis of...

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The Worthies of Cumberland. By Henry Lonsdale, M.D. (Rout- ledge.)—This volume is occupied with a number of smaller celebrities, of whom the first, George Graham, the...

Aryan; Or, the Story of the Sword: a Poem. By

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Herbert Todd, M.A. (Henry S. King and Co.)—The "Sword" is a magic weapon, which King Aryan has had fashioned for him by certain gnomes whomhe has the good- fortune to get into...

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Healey: a Romance. By Jessie Fothergill. (Henry S. King and

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Co.)—"Ughtred Earnshaw " sounds like a revival of Wuthering Heights," and the scene amid which the estimable, but not interesting individual who bears that unpleasant name lives...

Landscapes, Churches, and Moralities. By the Author of "The Recreations

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of a Country Parson." (Longmans.)—We opened this volume at a sentence which seemed to account for its strength and for its weakness. "Blessed be reading It is the next...

The Scripture Atlas. (W. and A. K. Johnston.)—This consists of

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sixteen maps, illustrating the course of human history as it is giveit in the Scriptures. The distribution of races according to the ethnology of Genesis, the Old Testament view...

Spoilt Lives. By S. Raper. (Tinsley.)—The three young women whose

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lives are "spoilt," or nearly spoilt, in this history, are too silly. The author is careful not to put any attractive element into the char- acter of Augustus Lawless, for whom,...

The History of the Scottish Church. By the Rev. Thomas

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M'Crie, D.D. (Blackie.)—Part of this volume was published, we learn, some years ago, this part embracing the history of the Church of Scotland from the Reformation to the...

Blue Bell. By Mrs. G. C. Hudleston. 3 vols. (Samuel

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Tinsley.)— This is a lively and readable tale, deriving some of its attraction, per- haps, from the comparative strangeness of its surroundings (the scene is laid in Canada),...

The Story of the Trojan War. (James Blackwood.)—This is de-

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scribed as "an epitome of incidents, actions, an events which occurred before, at, and after the siege of Troy." The task has been well per- formed, notwithstanding some...

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; flalf-Yearly, 14s. 3d.; and Quarterly, 7s. 2S; in advance, postage included. Single copy, 6d. ; by post, Sid. To SUBSCRIBERS IN THE UNITED STATES.—The Annual Subscription to...


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Gemor.—On September 28th, the wife of the Rev. R. W. Gallop, Head Master of Christ's College. Finchley, of a son.