30 DECEMBER 1871

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There was an absurd paragraph in the .21forning Post of

The Spectator

Thurs- day, false on its very surface, to the effect that the United States were putting in a claim before the Geneva arbiters likely to amount to something like five hundred...

Prince Bismarck has published the despatch to Count Arnim, transmitted

The Spectator

on the 7th inst., in which he complained of the acquittal of Tonnelet and Bertin, two Frenchmen accused of mur- dering German soldiers. The despatch is written in the haughtiest...

s The French papers all take the same tone about

The Spectator

Prince Bis- marck's despatch, one of angry resignation to superior force. None of them clearly acknowledge what M. Thiers at once acknowledged in his opening speech, that the...

As we go to press, the folio wing letter from

The Spectator

the Queen to her 'people has been published. It is addressed nominally to the Home Secretary. It is a most natural, unaffected, and therefore 'touching 1, thank you " :—" The...

Mr. Seeretary Fish has addressed and published a despatch to

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Mr. Curtin, United States' Minister at St. Petersburg, which is, we suspect, a curiosity among diplomatic documents. It pro- fesses to be an account of the reasons which induced...


The Spectator

T IE Prince of Wales, in spite of pain above the left hip, which on Wednesday produced feverishness, was, up to Friday at (noon, doing well. Sir.Y. Paget, however, load not left...

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

The Spectator


We are glad to perceive that Mx. Childers was well

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enough to address his constituents on Thursday at Pontefract, but his re- covered strength is almost the only interest of his speech. He, of course, praised the conduct of the...

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Mr. Ayrton has found a new and formidable antagonist. Those

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"children of this world," the Common Council, are at least as wise in their generation as those " children of light," the Metropolitan Board of Works, and foreseeing reform in...

The French Assembly has rejected the project of a general

The Spectator

Income-tax, after a speech from M. Thiers described as a splendid one. It was certainly most effective, the Right and Left listening with equally rapt attention, but to...

The Paris correspondent of the Times has done what we

The Spectator

wish all newspaper correspondents would condescend to do,—he has sent the Budget of the country to which he is accredited in " dry figures," arranged in a table, and without...

The situation in Austria is a singular one, and not

The Spectator

very easily intelligible. The Reichsrath contains 202 members, and one-half plus; one is easential to a quorum, without which the machine cannot work. The great object,...

Mr. Jacob Bright proposes to get rid of the House

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of Lords. rather by starvation than by abolition. He thinks the best plan of reforming them would be never to create a new peerage in the place of those which die out,—never to...

The Communion Office, too, may, according to the proposal, be

The Spectator

shortened by the omission of various parts, including even the Ten Commandments, with the Bishop's permission,—a consider- able innovation; but it is not, apparently, proposed...

The Archbishop of Canterbury is about to propose to Convo-

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cation several very considerable changes in the regulations of the Church,—changee which are intended to make the services more "elastic," i.e., less uniform, more subject to...

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A memorandum signed by a great many very eminent medical

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snen ,—De. Burrows, Mr. Bask, Sir Henry Holland, Sir W. Fergusson, Sir Jamee Paget, Dr. Actand, Dr. Quain, Dr, Sieve- king, Dr, Farre, and others equally eminent,—the purport of...

Joseph Lemettre, whose seven years' strange history of crime we

The Spectator

commented on last week, has been found guilty by a unanimous jury, condemned to death, and will be shortly executed. He heard his own sentence, just as he has executed that of...

All kinds of telegrams have been issued this week, and

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denied on authority, about the Duke de Broglie, the French Ambassador in London. He has resigned, and has not resigned, and his resig- nation has not been accepted, and all...

45 Anglicanus " writes to the Times of last Saturday

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to sum up the contributions of the past year to the question as to the adaptation of the Athanasian Creed to the purposes of our English worship. He borrows, apparently from...

The Londoners did not enjoy their new Statute Holiday, Box-

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ing Day, very much. The shopkeepers almost universally obeyed it, but the weather was dreary beyond expression, all drizzle and slush, and the people either kept indoors, or...

There appears to be a special interest felt at Cambridge

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about the education of women. Not only have the managers of the Hitchia College for Women provided their professorial teaching from Cambridge, and given notice of their...

Console were on Friday 924 to 923 ex. div.

The Spectator

The New Zealand Parliament has read a severe law restricting

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the liquor trade for the second time. Under this bill no new house can be opened for the sale of liquor except on the written appli- cation of one-third of the "inhabitants" of...

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I T is now plainly announced that Mr. Gladstone's choice for 1 the next Speaker has fallen upon Mr. Brand ; and as we said last week, apart from the unfortunately close...


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PRINCE BISMARCK'S DESPATCH. I T was, we believe, necessary for Prince Bismarck to write his masterful despatch to Count Arnim, on the murders of German soldiers by French...

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W E called attention nearly four months ago* to the very able speech in which Mr. Gavan Duffy, Irish Roman Catholic, ex-rebel, ex-editor of the Nation, ex-exponent of the policy...

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V ICE-CHANCELLOR MALINS has added a new horror V to the lives of Trustees, which, as most Members of Parlia- ment are trustees, will probably evoke an effectual effort for the...

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R USSIAN Diplomacy, that bugbear of Western Europe, does not appear to have been very successful in America. For some years past the Foreign Office of St. Petersburg has made it...

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T EIERE are a good many social contrasts in the world, some of them of a highly dramatic kind ; but we know of none so odd, so out-of-the-way, and bizarre as the contrast...

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W E are told that some of the French journalists have com- menced " broiling" the Orleanist Princes,—not that they have obtained the opportunity of putting them, like St....

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ALSACE. [FROM A CIORRESPONDENT.] Strasburg, December 24. HAVING made several excursions into Alsace under circumstances peculiarly favourable for observation, I think I have...

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The Spectator

THE CLERGY AND MR. IIUXLEY. [To THE EDITOR OF THE SPEOTITOR.1 SIR, —If the clergy are "too stiff in their mumpsimus," surely your scientific correspondents who write under the...

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rro THE EDITOI O TRill 5PECTATOR:1 Sin,—In what I said about Professor•Huxley and his strictures I only sought to show that an honest mind could arrive at very 'different...


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rra 'THE EDITOR OF THR u SPRCTILTOR:1 Sin,—Several very powerful articles have recently appeared in the Spectator in opposition to the views of the Education League, and in...

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[To TRH EDITOR OF THE 4 , eraorATort.") Sin,—From the accident, I suppose, of my recent "Appeal from the New to the Old Radicals" not having been printed at anything like full...


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ROUEN STIE L -S C H WAN GAU.* Tkus poetical exposition of the sort of argumentative controversy' which the great Saviour of Society ' in a neighbouring realm may have held with...

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LOOKING-GLASS House is a very pretty place, and Alice was quite the right person to go and see what was in it. Of course everybody knows who Alice is. Does any one say no ?...

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EVERY day that passes serves to confirm the conviction of those who hold that the War of 1870 is likely to create a false impression of the fighting power of France. Whatever...

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EVVALD'S HISTORY OF ISRAEL.* ix editing the volumes before us,

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which represent the third volume of the last German edition of Ewald's History of Israel, Mr. Car- penter has taken the place occupied by Mr. Russell Martineau as to the earlier...

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(PART IL) Tag Second Part of Faust is hardly yet accepted even in Germany, and in England it is almost unknown. Accordingly very few of the many translators of the First Part...

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... .. [SECOND NOTICE.) How many of our readers are there who know what really consti- tutes Galicia? In these days of indefatigable travel unto the uttermost parts of the...

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Mr. Pisistrates Brown, 21. t.p., in the highlands. Reprinted from

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the synonymous in the dictionary of Russian Democracy with, ,6 have not got in our own stock we must be content to take from that , to fnansions and peace to the serf's hut ?" "...

8001OS to us full of the artiot ' s highoat power, and

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worth the price of the of pushing claims hostile to the pretensions of the purely Polish set twice over; and there is a-drawing of a Soripture-reader in a night refuge whieh...

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which puzzle a reviewer as flinches anything which he meets

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with. Ono. is aehamedof using over and over again the stock phrases about tho industry of the compiler and the interest of the compilation. One's natural impulse. under the...

Jesus Christ : His Life and Work. By E. De

The Spectator

Presaonsd, D.D. Translated by Annie Harwood. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—This is an abridged and popularized form of De Presumed's larger work bearing the same title. "It appeared...

The Secret of Long Life. (Henry S. King.)—Mr. Mortimer Collins—

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for the authorship of this volume, though not expressly stated, is implied —does not give us much satisfaction. " Enough," said Rassolas to Imlac ; "you have convinced me that...

Cecile; or, Modern Idolaters. By Hawley Smart. 3 vols. (Bentley.)—

The Spectator

We think too highly of- Mr. Smart's powers and entertain too pleasant recollections of what we have before seen from his pen to be able to express satisfaction with Cecile. A...