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The Bank has again raised its rate of discount—from 3

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to 4 per cent.—having lost within the last week near two millions and a half of bullion, and more than six millions sterling since the Reserve was at its highest point on the...

of Scotland, on the ground that Scotland is so safe

The Spectator

that she cannot be alienated, or, as the lady put it,— " To him whom I do know to love me best Ho should be sure to have my favours least "— maintaining that specially...

On the various " happy thoughts" which Mr. Disraeli threw

The Spectator

out at Hughenden to his agricultural labourers we have suffi- ciently commented elsewhere. We may remark here that his very energetic tribute to the political value of the...

Mr. Gladstone, disclaiming the compliment paid to him by the

The Spectator

Provost of Aberdeen that the course of his public life had been " onward and upward," preferred to say that he desired that such it might be for the future, that his course...


The Spectator

O N Monday both Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Disraeli made public appearances, though on very different occasions. The Prime Minister received at Aberdeen the present of the freedom of...

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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The Home Secretary, Mr. Bruce, has been addressing his constituents

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in Renfrewshire, but we do not know that lie has thrown,any new ray of light on the political situation. He put rather well the unreasonableness of the dissatisfaction which is...

At a West Hertfordshire agricultural dinner held on Thursday, Mr.

The Spectator

H. R. Brand, ALP. for Herts, in answering to the toast of "The Houses of Lords and Commons and county members," said " he trusted he should never live to see the time when the...

Not a word has been dropped on the subject of

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any Bill to legalize the creation of Life Peers, few or many, nor does the House of Lords appear to have had its health drunk less often or less cordially at convivial meetings...

There isa summary in the Paris Temps of Thursday last

The Spectator

of an im- portant communication of Count Benses to the Austrian represen- tatives abroad in relation to the Conferences of the German and Austrian Courts at Gastoin and...

The Alsace-Lorraine customs treaty between France and Germany is not

The Spectator

yet concluded, though the latest reports appear to be favourable to its successful negotiation. The obstacle seems to have been the condition for reciprocity between France and...

The Engineers' strike at Newcastle has reached a new and

The Spectator

very interesting phase. The letters to the Times from the masters and from the President of the Nine Hours' League,—from the very commencement unusually calm and dignified,—have...

The Government appear to be modest, not to say humble,

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in their bill of fare for next Session. Both Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Bruce have promised Scotland that the Scotch Education Bill shall be brought on early, and pressed ou in a...

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Mr. Gladstone at Aberdeen, and Mr. Bruce in Renfrewshire, •

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have both expressed their complete disbelief that the Inter- national Society is likely to gain any dangerous political influence -in England, whatever it may do abroad. They...

The Guardian is much grieved by the conduct of Archbishop

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Thomson and Bishop Wilberforce in conducting irregular and quasi-Presbyterian services in a building belonging to the Scotch Kirk. It puts a dilemma (why, by the way, does a...

Consols were on Friday 92i to 92k.

The Spectator

The disclosures as to the condition of the Megmra show

The Spectator

that the Admiralty have really been guilty' of gross negligence in -sending out that ship and pronouncing her seaworthy, in spite of all the warnings they had. The private...

Lord Derby in opening last Wednesday a new School of

The Spectator

Science and Art at Birkenhead, which has been presented by Mr. Laird, the shipbuilder, to the municipality, urged the more thorough training of English artisans in both the...

We have received a letter from Mr. Newton Crosland, com-

The Spectator

plaining that by publishing an article on "The Eltham Tragedy Reviewed" the day after he was bound over to appear and answer a charge of libel arising out of that pamphlet, we...

The up - country native who murdered Mr. Justice Norman at Calcutta,

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was tried there on the 26th, convicted after a trial of only two hours, and sentenced to be executed that day fortnight. It is said that no further discovery has been made as to...

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admirably in the .11 . 1_ ornamental departments of politics and public life. The Pall Mall Gazette, which appears to feel an intensity and acerbity of hatred towards the Prime...


The Spectator

MR. GLADSTONE AT ABERDEEN. M R. GLADSTONE has made a very good speech at Aber- deen,—which, however, so far as the most important part, that on Home Rule for Ireland, is...

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I T has been announced, ex cathedra, that " the first broad 1 conclusion dictated by the results of the crxperiment " in Hampshire and Surrey is that " whatever may be our...

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A i3 we anticipated a fortnight since, the announcement of the intended amalgamation of the London and North- Western and Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Companies has somewhat...


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T HE proceedings of the " Old Catholic " Congress in Munich seem to make it quite evident that the promoters of the anti-Infallibility movement will fall between two stools....

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T HERE is only a single Report in the new volume pub- lished by the Foreign Office " On the Condition of the Working-Classes in Foreign Countries " that is redolent of the fine...

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A S the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol and the Daily Telegraph have both given their blessing, as it were, to Alpine travel, we may conclude that there is really something in...

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W E have excellent news respecting the approaching Eclipse. Government has 'granted all that was asked for, and a strong English expedition will sail before long for Ceylon. It...

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A FEW weeks ago, a daily contemporary inserted two or three letters of complaint against the character of London public dining establishments, and we were in hopes for a time...

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waiters speaking with some indistinguishable foreign accent, A VOLUNTEER PRIVATE'S IMPRESSIONS OF THE [FROM A CORIllitirONDENT.] work of a worthy successor of...

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THE ATHANASIAN CREED. [TO TM EDITOR 00 T.S19 "SPOOTAT011.1 ant i —Although I have not yet had an opportunity of reading Professor Brewer's pamphlet on the Athanasian Creed, I...

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[TO Tun EDITOR OF Tile "8pJACTAToR."] Sia,—Notwithstanding the well-known liberality of the Spectator, I was much surprised on reading your number of Saturday to find it the...


The Spectator

[TO TIM EDITOR OF TRIG "SPECTATOR."] Stit,—As you have done inc the honour to refer to some observa- tions of iniue in reference to strikes at an agricultural meeting in...


The Spectator

[To Tea EDITOR. OF TIIIII "SPROTATOR."] Stn,—AS Professor Plumptre has done me the honour of criticizing in your columns my note on the name of Cyrus (" Isaiah Chrono-...


The Spectator

THE ALCESTIS OF EURIPIDES-BROWNING.* MR. Bitowyrrzu has here re-sot afresh—in such a form as gives a certain amount of freedom to his own genius—the Alcestis of Euripides, the...

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unhesitating march on Paris, begun almost before the prisoners at Sadan were secured, and concluded three weeks afterwards, gave to the Germans all the advantages of a central...

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MEMORIES OF FRENCH PALACES.* the whichever side one turns, the

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memories recalled in this book are melancholy,—dead people, dead ambitions, dead hopes. St. Cloud was already burnt when the pages devoted to its story were written, and since...


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Tuts is one of those books which boys climb into nut-trees or bury themselves amongst the ivy on the top of an out-house to revel in without interruption ; and which men enjoy...

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The Church and the Churches of Southern India. By J. A. Lobley, M.A. (Daighton and Bell, Bell and Daldy.)—This was "the Maitland Prize Essay for 1870." Those prizes are...

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CLASS Boom, Bro.—Outlines of Indian History. By A. W. Hughes.

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(Bell and Daldy.)—Mr. Hughes' book is intended for candidates purpos- ing to compote for Civil-Service appointments. Ho compresses a great amount of information into his two...

Papers on Banking and .Finance, by a Bank Manager (Bomrose),

The Spectator

seem sensible, and on the whole, orthodox. The " Bank Manager " is a strong advocate for "ono-pound notes," which, ho truly says, avoid the expense that attends on the woar and...