3 JUNE 1905

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The news of this great disaster has been followed by

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an explosion of feeling in Europe in favour of peace, in the name not only of humanity, but of the future of Russia. This is reflected in the journals of Russia herself, where,...

The news from Morocco received on Friday may prove of

The Spectator

serious import. The Sultan has definitely signed the rejec- tion of the French demands, and is now proposing to invite the Powers to hold a Conference on the Moroccan question....

The Anarchists have not allowed the young King of Spain

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to visit Paris without an attempt upon his life. As he was returning from the Opera with President Loubet at 12.30 on Wednesday night, a bomb was thrown by a man standing at the...


The Spectator

T HE experts were right; seamanship has prevailed over numbers, and Japan has won her Trafalgar. Admiral Rozhdestvensky, aided by most elaborate and costly prepara- tions to...

When the flagship 'Prince Suvaroff ' went down Admiral Rozhdestvensky

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was saved by a destroyer, but was captured and carried with Admiral Nebogatolf to Sasebo a prisoner of war, thus adding to Togo's victory a dramatic completeness. So complete,...

4 " 16 The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

The Spectator


Page 2

On Thursday the House of Commons discussed at length the

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question of the speed of motor-cars. We can only say that we entirely agree with the proposal to inflict imprisonment for the first offence when the culprit deserves it. In our...

Philadelphia, which for many years has enjoyed the unenviable reputation

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of being the most corrupt municipality in the United States, has risen in successful revolt against its administration. The United Gas Improvement Company, to which the...

We regret to record the indisposition of Mr. Balfour owing

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to a chill which, though happily by no means grave in character, was sufficient to prevent his attendance at the House of Commons. As a result, the Vote of Censure which was to...

We greatly regret to record that the Speaker of the

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House of Commons has been obliged through ill-health to resign his post. Mr. Gully has proved one of the ablest and most judicious of Speakers, and he leaves the Chair with the...

During the discussion of the Finance Bill in Committee in

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the Commons on Monday, Mr. J. Walton proposed a new clause reducing the export-duty on coal from is. told. Relying on the Report of the Royal Commission on Coal Supplies, he...

A further and a long step has been taken towards

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the separation of Norway from Sweden. On Saturday last the Norwegian Delegation of Cabinet Ministers, which acts at Stockholm as the Norwegian Cabinet, requested King Oscar to...

The dispute between the Powers and the Porte over the

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question of financial reform in Macedonia seems likely to result in a settlement. The Powers insist on the establishment of an international control over the financial...

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The result of the Whitby election was announced on Friday,

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Mr. Buxton, the Free-trader, heading the poll with a majority of 445 votes. At the last contested election in 1892 the Unionist majority was 1,083. The effect of the election...

The Yorkshire Herald on Monday published a letter addressed by

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the Prime Minister to Lord Helmsley in regard to the Whitby election. After alluding to the "usual mis- representations" of the supporters of the Radical candidate about the...

In the absence of Mr. Balfour, Lord Lansdowne on Thursday

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night addressed a gathering of Conservative agents who were assembled at dinner at the Holborn Restaurant, and stated that they were met in circumstances by no means...

The Yorkshire Evening News, a newspaper which has been recently

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acquired by the Liberals, published on Wednesday a very striking and timely letter from Lord Rosebery. After wishing the paper success, Lord Roaebery recommends as its best...

It is not to be supposed that the General Assembly

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will or could, if the alteration is made, propose a formula working any great doctrinal revolution. The relief from the rigid formula of subscription required under the Act of...

On Friday week, May 26th, the General Assembly of the

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Church of Scotland came to what may prove a momentous decision. It was, in effect, to ask Parliament to sanction tel alteration in the formula of subscription required under the...

Bank Rate, 21 per cent.

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W E can assure our readers that it is in no conven- tional, and also in no partisan, sense that we use the words which stand at the head of this article. The Empire is in...


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rr HE Japanese have finished their work at sea. With a patience that is even more amazing than the valour of his sailors, Admiral Togo has waited through six long weary months...

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I T is sincerely to be hoped that the Government are awake to the need for clear and strong legislation in regard to the position of the United Free Church of Scotland, and will...

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W E may, we think, take it as very probable that Norway intends to set up for herself,—that is, to declare herself an independent State without any con- nection, not even that...

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Whether the Archbishop of Canterbury's Bill was one of these reforms is another question. There is a good deal of force in Lord Belper's objection that to leave the hours of...


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_ACCORDING to an American monthly, the Lady's Home Journal, the following amazing inscription may be read on a monument in a Cumberland churchyard :— " Here lie the bodies of...

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F4 VERY one who has the smallest knowledge of con- temporary life, in both the class called " leisured " and the class whose business keeps it in the country, cannot but be...

THE BEAUTY OF ENGLISH VILLAGES. are better off, and when

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once this " tone " is gained friendly co-operation secures further benefits. Fortunately, those really acquainted with the country know that there are, and that there always...

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THE PROBLEM OF PEACE. [To TOR EDITOR Of TES "SPECTATOR:1 SIEYOUr very interesting explanation of Russian action and French inaction under the heading of "The Neutrality...

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[To TUE EDITOR OF TIIE "SPECTAT0R:1 Sin,—It is often assumed that in point of subtlety and perspicacity the Greek mind is superior to that of the moderns. Having been reading...


The Spectator

LTO Till EDITOR OF TIIII "SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—The author of this article in your issue of May 13th drew attention to the Moroccan question as one of import to diplomatists more...


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[To THE EDITOR OF TRH "SPECTATOR:1 Sns,—Many of your readers probably know the delightful book in which Laurence Oliphant has described certain "Episodes in a Life of...

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fTo THE EDITOR OF TUE " SPECTATOR."' have just read

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in the Times of India of April 21st an article headed "Paucity of Army Officers." The article sets forth the very serious shortage of officers in the Army, the large number of...

[TO TRH EDITOR OF TRH "SPECTATOR:] Sr,--The writer of the

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gratifying review of my "Studies in Montaigne" in the Spectator of April 15th, while expressing an interest in my suggestion that Montaigne and Bacon met at Poitiers in 1577,...


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[TO T/III EDITOR OF TIER SPEOTATOR."1 hia notice of the new edition of Ruskin's works in the Spectator of May 27th your reviewer expresses surprise that as Ruskin drew so well...

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[To TTIE EDITOR OP THE "EPECTATOR."1 SIR,—The following extract from a speech made by Mr. Gladstone at Pumpherston to an audience of Scottish shale- miners on October 28th,...


The Spectator

rTo THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR,"' SIR, - I venture to send you the enclosed, asking you to do us the great kindness of publishing it in your valuable paper. "With the idea of...


The Spectator

Pro VIE EDITOR Or TILE SrEurATOIL"1 Sin,—May I venture to differ with Mr. T. C. Horsfall in his assertion (Spectator, May 27th) that the boys of the middle and upper classes in...

(To THE EDITOR Of THE "SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—After reading your suggestive

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article on "The Anti- septics of Conduct" in the Spectator of May 27th, I find myself in agreement with your contributor in thinking that a sense of personal dignity is a...

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allowed me to call attention in your columns (Spectator, May 20th) to the above subject. I hope you will find room for the answers of the Prime Minister to questions addressed...


The Spectator

OXFORD REVISITED. TIMID and strange, like a ghost, I pass the familiar portals, Echoing now like a tomb, they accept me no more as of old; Yet I go wistfully onward, a shade...

(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIE,—The article in

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the Spectator of May 20th upon the above subject opens up a wide field for investigation into the comparative anatomy of the nervous system, an aspect of scientific research...

MO TUE EDITOR OR TIIS "SPECTATOR.") • may interest your

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Free-trade readers to know that a remarkably successful meeting was held at Spencer House on Thursday, June 1st, by the Women's Free-Trade Union, a body composed of Unionist...


The Spectator

THE amount of subscriptions and fees received up to Juno 1st for the Cheap Cottages Exhibition is £1,210 3s. 6d, in addition to £420 promised to the Prizes Fend, making a total...

Page 16

m ission :- IT appears to be as difficult to give

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an impartial account of John Knox and the Scottish Reformation as to write without bias of a prominent political leader of our own time. One reason is that John Knox is still a...

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THOMAS CORYAT was not, until the last years of his

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life, a traveller in the same sense as the heroes of Hakluyt's famous epic. When in 1611 he spent five months away from his "dear natalitiall " Odeombe, Italy and High Germany...

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Mn. FORTESCUE may be congratulated on his decision to reprint

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the lectures and papers comprised within this little volume. We are generally inclined to regard the pre.. Wellington period of the great struggle with France, so far at least...

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WILLIAM BODHAM DONNE.* THE letters brought together in this volume

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make excellent reading, and the editor is to be congratulated on the tact with which she has selected and arranged her materials. The book is a real correspondence. It contains...

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THouGH the problem dealt with so frankly and courageously by Mrs. Hammond in her very interesting novel may in a sense lack actuality to home-keeping English readers, it has...

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The Wise Woods. By Mrs. Henry Dudenoy. (W. Heinemann. 6s.)—The

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adjective by which Mrs. Dudeney describes the woods can certainly not be applied to Vasliti, the heroine of this novel, who is about as foolish a young person as it is possible...

favoured. The second is a levy waySagei for the Scottish

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War. How many went we do not know, but two years afterwards we find the town covenanting with one Thomas Baker to horse and harness himself for 135. 4d., with 20s. more if he...

The Tyranny of the Dark. By Hamlin Garland. (Harper and

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Brothers. 6s.)—This book is concerned with the spiritualistic manifestations of a young girl medium. Tho accounts of tho seances at which she "sits" (to use the proper cant...

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Ehnasya, 1904. By W. M. Flinders Petrie. (Egypt Explora- tion

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Fund. 25s.)—Ehnasya (the ancient Herakleopolis) had been partially explored some thirteen years before by Dr. Naville. Still, much was left to be discovered by Professor...

A Bibliography of Books on Cards and Gaming. By Frederic

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Jessel. (Lougmans and Co. 2s. 6d. net.)—The list which Mr. Jessel has compiled extends to between seventeen hundred and eighteen hundred items, many, of course, being new...


The Spectator

[Under this heading we notice such Books of ON week as haws not been reserved for review in other forma.] Twenty-one Years of Corporate Life at Edinburgh University. By J. C....

The Constitution of Norway. By H. L. Braekstad. (D. Nutt.

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Is. 6d. net.)—This "Historical and Political Survey" is a seasonable publication. It is written, as may be supposed, from the Norwegian point of view ; no one could deny that...

More Cricket Songs. By Norman Gale. (Alston Rivers. 2s. net.)—Mr.

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Gale's lively Muse is always welcome. Possibly she is overmuch given to improvising. A little more consideration, a little more correction, would not be out of place. The bard...

The Golf Year - Book. Edited by John L. Low. (Nisbet and

The Spectator

(Jo. 3s. 6d.)—After the usual " Rules," "Etiquette ," and "Decisions," we have an essay from the editor entitled "A Plea for a Simpler Rule." Of this we will quote only a...

Talks with Lay Preachers. By Robert F. Horton, D.D. (A.

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Melrose. Is. net.)—Dr. Horton gives excellent counsel in this little book. So, indeed, he should; he is a great preacher himself, and he "has heard all the great English...

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Towards a Social Policy. (Speaker Publishing Company. is. and 2s.

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net.)—We commend this pamphlet to the notice of our readers, not as accepting all its "suggestions for constructive reform," but because it discusses various questions of...

Correggio at Parma. By Selwyn Briuton. (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.

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2s. and 2s. 6d.)—This is the fifth in the series entitled "The Renaissance in Italian Art," and now appears in a second edition with some additional plates. Its main subject is...

'caw Enrrioffs. — A School Manual of English Grammar. By Theophilus D.

The Spectator

Hall, M.A. (John Murray. 2s. Od.)—In "Macmillan's Illustrated Pocket Scott" (Macmillan and Co., 2s. net), Waverley, the first of an edition of the " Waverley Novels" to be...