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The Spectator

Lours PHILIP'S talents for cabinet-making are in frequent requi- sition. About once every six months a French Administration is broken up. That of TRIERS lasted half a year...

Our summary of Spanish news last week brought down the

The Spectator

events in the Spanish capital to the 18th of August. The present week has added very little to our previous stock of information. There was a quarrel and some fighting on the...

The Paris Constitutionnel mentions, that disturbances had broken out in

The Spectator

Naples, which were promptly suppressed. For some time, rumours had prevailed in Paris, that a serious revolt had occurred in the Neapolitan dominions; and it was known that the...

Large public meetings have been held in Zurich and other

The Spectator

places in Switzerland, and vehement resolutions adopted for re- pelling foreign interference in their domestic concerns. The German papers, however, declare that if stringent...

The Augsburg Gazette has accounts from Constantinople, dated the 5th

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August, mentioning the discovery of a conspiracy to assassinate the Sultan. Many persons had been arrested, and put to death; but this movement on the part of his Turkish...

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Cbt Court.

The Spectator

THE King went to Kew on Mouday, and remained there till even- ing ; when he returned to Windsor Castle. On Tuesday, his Majesty repeated his visit to Kew, accompanied by the...

rbc itictropotto.

The Spectator

The South Australian Commissioners gave a dinner on Saturday at Blackwall, on board the Coromandel, to about one hundred and fifty young married persons, and thirty. six...

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At the Mansionhouse, on Tuesday, a girl of sixteen was

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brought before the Magistrates, charged with having decampt d from her father's house in boy's clothes. She had procured a situation, and passed for a boy for some time. She was...

The Reformers of West Somerset propose to invite their excellent

The Spectator

Members to a grand dinner, at Taunton, on or about the 21st Septem- ber. Sir T. B. Lethbridge will preside. A great number of dis- tinguished persons will be present. The...

be COuntty.

The Spectator

Mr. James is expected to be returned for East Cumberland without opposition. The requisition to him to become a candidate was signed by nearly a thousand electers, comprising...

A fire broke out on Tuesday morning, between two and

The Spectator

three o'clock, in the premises of Mr. Wilson, tea-merchant, on the Southwark side of London Bridge. As regards the amount of property consumed, it was one of the most...

Mrs. Graham, whose fall from the balloon was mentioned last

The Spectator

week, is recovering. Mrs. Anderson, of Cleveland Street, Fitzroy Square, left her infant child in the cradle, on Tuesday morning, with another child about three years old, in...

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At a meeting of the National Association, held on the

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25th August, a letter from Mr. O'Connell was read, enclosing a subscription of 5/. from Dr. Nolan, Catholic Bishop of Carlow, and another of 10/. from Mr. George Evans Bruce, of...

The case of Tatham versus Wright, which has been so

The Spectator

often before the public, again came on for trial at Lancaster on Tuesday. It will be recollected that it is an action of ejectment by the plaintiff, Admi- ral Tatham, to obtain...

Mr. Charles Evans, banker, of Manchester, failed on Saturday. His

The Spectator

liabilities, chiefly to small tradesmen, are stated at about 60,000/. An offer of four shillings and twopence in the pound has at length been made to the creditors of the late...

A gang of coiners have been discovered at Liverpool, by

The Spectator

Mr. Powell, of the Mint, aided by the Liverpool Police. The manner in which the culprits were apprehended is thus stated- " A visit to Liverpool at the late Assizes, gave Mr....


The Spectator

On Tuesday, Lord Hillsborough was elected without opposition for the county of Down, in the room of his uncle Lord Sandys. The decision respecting Lord Forbes's insanity will,...

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In every county of Ireland a Registry Association is already

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formed, or is on the point of being embodied. All the members of the General Association of Ireland, who are resident in the country, or connected with it, are ipso facto...


The Spectator

Tie trimming Mr. John Maxwell of Lanarkshire has received a ver3 :woad hint, from a large portion of his constituents, that as he has bet, .myed his trust, it is his next duty...

If comparative tranquillity reigns in Ireland, it is in spite

The Spectator

of the efforts of time Protestant clergy and their Orange abettors. The Dublin Evening Mail has published a series of documents in relation to some proceedings in the county of...

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Twenty-eight Germans, lately expelled from Switzerland, on the ground that

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they were members of the society called " Young Ger- many "—which is not denied as respects the majority—have memori- alized Lord John Russell for relief. They state that while...

A numerous and most respectable party of gentlemen gave a

The Spectator

splen. did entertaiainent at the Clarendon Hotel, on Monday, to Mr. James Stuart, on the occasion of his recent appointment to the office of Factory Inspector. Mr. J. R. AP...

A General Order, containing a variety of regulations respecting re..

The Spectator

wards and punishments in the Army, has been issued by Lord Howick. The object is, to excite the soldiery to good conduct by the promise of " rings of lace," to be worn round the...

On Monday the 29th of August, the Whig-Radical Bishop Dr.

The Spectator

Butler held his primary visitation at Coventry ; and at the visitation- dinner he not only omitted, but when requested, he actually refused, to give the usual toast of Church...

Dr. Chalmers has written a letter to the Edinburgh Advertiser

The Spectator

com- plaining of the attacks to which he had been subjected in eonsequence of his interference in Argyllshire in behalf of the Tory Mr.Campbeil of Monzie against the Liberal Mr....

A person who is styled Arthurcott, Si. D., was appreh:•;;ded

The Spectator

on the 25th ultinio, for auempting to set lire to a largo stew renew: art itt Taylor Street, Glasgow. The prisoner truck! went a judicial exami- nation in presence of the...

A Central Society of Education bas recently been established in

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Londoo. Its object is to procure accurate educational statistics, with a view to ascertain bow far the different systems in use among the various classes of society are...

Fourteen editions of the L3n !horst speeeli, published in a

The Spectator

pamphlet form by Fraser, have been alr,mly disposed of. The more the better. Let the temper and policy of the pm ty, whose mouthpiece Lyndhurst is, become extensively known, and...

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A singular case of poisoning occurred a few days since,

The Spectator

in the island of Jersey. On the evening of the 21st August, Mrs. Richard An- thoine, residing in the Clarendon Road, opened a bottle of perry, the second of four sent by a...

Less effect than was anticipated appears to have followed the

The Spectator

ad- vance by the Bank Directors of the rate of interest. As money is to be obtained at present on lower terms elsewhere, it merely tends to keep the discount and the cashier's...

pinion1 of Hy 13rtg.

The Spectator

PliEltAc o REFORM. Coy Rum —As the Tory journals eau find nothing to say in favour of the House of Peer's, they hope to terrify the people from cruleivuuring to adapt it to the...

Mr. Horsfall of Liverpool has addressed a letter to the

The Spectator

Liverpool Albion in defence of his conduct with reference to the Liverpool Stan. dard. He produces the opinion of two arbiters, acquitting the Messrs. Gladstone, a Mr. George...

The Times tauntingly puts the beading " Justice " to

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paragraph quoted from a Hobart Town paper of the 3d May, supplying the following patticulars relative to the mode in which justice is ad- ministered in the colony of Van...

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The news from Spain this morning is important. The Queen

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Re- gent issued two decrees on the 22nd of August. The first convokes the Cortes for the 24th of October; the members to be chosen under the electoral system of 1812. The second...

In the next column, our readers will find a very

The Spectator

interestiug letter from Mr. O'CONNELL. Though bearing the date of the 27th August, it reached us only this forenoon, when our pages were about to be sent to press. Any remarks,...


The Spectator

SATURDAY NIGHT. NOT a word of news of the least importance, from any quarter, has reached us since the first edition was put to press.

From the Paris newspapers received this morning, we learn that

The Spectator

the negotiations with Gutzerr for reconstiucting the French Cabinet have been broken off. GUIZOT, it is now said, insisted upon naming the Ministers to three departments,...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The long-expected announcement of the inclease of the rate of discount to 5 per cent. by the Co.vernors of the Bank of England was made...

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The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF TUE sPECTATOR. How can you then shrink from my conclusion, that the result proves The Ministry of Lord MELBOURNE owe a debt of gratitude to the Darrynane...


The Spectator

Arrivel-- At Gravesend, August 30th, Buckinghamshire, Hopkins, (non Bombay; 31st. Persian !lepton, from New South Wales; septeniber 1st. Danutl-ss, Pinder, froat Bengal; and...

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The Spectator

OF THE SPECTATOR. Sheffield, 23d August 1836. Sin - 1 am a constant reader and general admirer of you excellent paper ; and whenever I perceive in it any thing that is likely...

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The Spectator

WHY DO NOT THE MASSES AGITATE FOR PEERAGE REFORM? TnusE who wonder that there is no agitation for Peerage Reform, will do well to look back at that period, for some time before...


The Spectator

"THE Statutes at large" contradict the assumptisn that the House of Peers has merit as a court of review. The obscurity, inconsistency, and multifarious iniquity of our written...

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The Spectator

THE Times this morning contains a two-column report of a dinner of the Operative Conservative Association of Howick, near Bolton in Lancashire. The Tories hare lately been at...


The Spectator

number we showed that the free trade system had been productive of commercial and manufacturing prosperity in Switzerland, notwithstanding the difficulties arising from the...


The Spectator

The Directors of the Edinburgh Academy, in their Annual Report for the present year, just distributed in London, state a somewhat curious circum- stance, that of late years a...

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The Spectator

Ii- the Association should riot promote science, it will undoubtedly encourage trade. Steam - boats and coach-proprietor, lodging-house and hutel-keepeisz, reporters, printers...

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Reynolds the informer, whose death at Paris we announced in

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our last, we were not then aware had long lived a penitent in the bith of Christ, exemplifying the power of religion on the heart. Ile died in peace.—The Patriot. [Did he...

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The Spectator

ALTHOUGH the English public actually knows nothing of Norway, there is much that is worth knowing in the political and social con- dition of the people, as well as in their...


The Spectator

MORAL. POLITICAL, AND SOCIAL ECoN051Y, Journal urn Residence iu Norway, during the years 1834, 1835, aud 1836; made with a view to inquire into the Moral aml Political Economy...

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The Spectator

As a whole, Sir GRENVILLE TEMPLE'S second Excursions in the Mediterranean are not equal to the first, because the field of Greece and Turkey has been so thoroughly exhausted of...

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The Spectator

FROM the works of MARRYAT, as from every fiction which is the result of a wide and close sursey of life, some valuable rules for conduct may be deduced ; but we should never...

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The Spectator

IF the world be not familiar with the arts, habits, and customs of classical antiquity, it will not be for want of learned pains or learned books. Treatises have been written on...

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The Spectator

ALTHOUGH apparently designed for youth, this volume may be used advantageously by their seniors. The execution is respect- able; the idea excellent. The book in fact contains...