4 AUGUST 1860

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Monday night had been fixed by the Government for asking

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the Commons to come to a decision on the question of Fortifications, but the European Forces (India) Bill stood first on the list, and Ministers had made up their minds to...

The telegraph reports the arrival of the Prince of Wales

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in America, and nothing beyond the fact. Still, however, it is of so much importance, personally and politically, that every stage in the Prince's progress is watched with...

Through M. Thonvenel, France has proposed, and through the Count

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Bernard de Rechberg, Austria has agreed, that Spain should henceforward be included in the rank of European " Powers." This is a species of promotion which has not here- tofore...


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THE letter of the Emperor Napoleon must stand amongst the most remarkable appeals ever made to a public community ; for such it is. It is an " openhearted " reference from the...

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II data anIf Vrating s in liarlinintut.

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PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OP THE WEEK. Hansa OF Loses. Monday, July 30. Lord Normanby's Motion for Papers on Rome—Coast of Africa, &c., Bill, passed Committee and reported—Crown Debts...

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The following detail, showing the total estimated cost of the several new works proposed to be executed, the sum proposed to be taken for each station for the period between the...


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The Queen, Prince Consort, and the Royal Family will take their departure to Balmoral on Monday next, via Great Northern Railway. A deputation from Leeds, consisting of Mr. W....

(At Cuurt. ON Saturday, the Royal Family steamed round the

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Isle of Wight in the_yacht Fairy. The Queen, Prince Consort, and:the Royal Family walked out on Mon- day. Viscount and Viscountess Palmerston returned to town today from a...

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tions from Vo- Space being limited at Edinburgh, no further applic ltinteers to attend the review are to be received The Commissioners appointed to inquire into the alleged...

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,fortiga tulunial.

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Plum—Official intelligence was received in Paris on Saturday, conveying the Sultan's acceptance of the proposal to commence a negotia- tion for a convention. M. Thouvenel at...

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• The Yorkshire Agricultural Society held its annual meeting and exhibi- tion at Pontefract on Wednesday, with more than its usual success. Twenty-three reaping machines were...


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SATURDAY MORNING. The House of Commons sat at six o'clock. Lord JOHN Massrats inquired whether the Secretary for Foreign Affairs could give any information as to the time and...

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THE FORTIFICATION VOTE. THE House of Commons has decided in favour of the -nisferial scheme for the national defences, and against Mr. Lin lsay's amendment by a majority of 288...

Telegraphic advioes from Calcutta to the 18th of June, Shanghai

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to the 30th of May, Sydney to the 13th of June and Melbourne to the 1911, all agree in representing trade as being at a s tand.


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On the 21st of July, at Jesmond Grove, Edgbaston, the Wife of George A. Everitt, 6Esq., Belgian and Hanoverian Consul at Birmingham, of a son. On the 23d, at St. Margaret's,...

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Mr. Morris Moore's picture of "Apollo and Marsyas " has

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lately been making a sensation in Rome, and 80 many people ask permission to see it that it has been difficult to comply with ,all requests and still keep the exhibition a...


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STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Yesterday, and again today, a tolerably active demand for Money pre- vailed in the discount market, and rates had an upward tendency ; they...

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A NEW witness to the phenomena classed with table-turning comes forward in the Cornhill Magazine, and although we find comparatively little that is novel in his account, it is...

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WHEN we felt it our duty last week to animadvert upon the frightful insolvency of the leather trade, it might be assumed, from our remarks, that accommodation bills were the...

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THERE is yet another moral from the Eastbourne case, which ought not to be lost. It is a grand lesson on the principles in vogue on education. One tit these false principles is...

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The Committee of the Commons appointed to consider the Embank- ment of the Thames have issued their report, with the following resolu- tions— " That the embankment of the north...


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IT was not to be expected that Mr. Ewart would succeed in carry- ing his resolutions. The evil he wished to combat is ac- knowledged by men of all parties in the House, and...


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WICKLAND'S CURIOSITIES OF NATURAL HISTORY. * ENCOURAGED by the well-deserved successs of his First Series, Mr. Buckland has written a companion volume to it which will doubt-...

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WOLFF. * WE believe Dr. Wolff to be an earnest, benevolent man, with some shrewdness, and not without clear intellectual vision, as far as it goes, only it does not go very far....

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NEW NOVELS. * WE congratulate Sir Arthur Elton and the public

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on the brilliant success with which he has accomplished the most critical stage in a novelist's career—the production of his second work of fiction. A first novel is an...

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M....1Vferimee, an historian, and one of the most acute and brilliant of contemporary French writers, has avowed that what he most prizes in history is its anecdotes. Mr....

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" Francis Bacon, his Life and Character," by Mr. Hepworth Dixon ; and "The United Netherlands, from the Death of William the Silent to the Death of Olden Bamcveld," by Mr. John...

Et tratrrs.

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Although the old fashiorf of closing theatres at a fixed period is gra- dually becoming obsolete, and nearly every house in London is o;, - en at the present time, the effect of...

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Mr. E. T. Smith, the lessee of Her Majesty's Theatre,

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has brought his first season to a close in a manner creditable to himself and promising for the future. We have noticed his proceedings from week to week, be- stowing, for the...


The Spectator

BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Iletswel. Monday. header. Wanes num trite,. S pec Cent Coasolli 931 931 931 Itlt Ditto for Account :a 931 934 On per Cents Reduced...


The Spectator

FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, JULY 31. Bankruptcy Annulled.-TnomAs TOYNBEE, Southwick Street, Hyde Park, hotel- keeper. Bankrupts.-JamEs HERBERT SMITH, Wyld's Rents, Bermondsey,...