3 JULY 1947

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The Spectator

NEWS OF THE WEEK DVERTISING ... 670 _CV Argentina : Peron's broadcast, 34 ; trade ... ... 386 Army 98 Australia ... 162 Austria 698 ETTlrs ... 670 British Broadcas • ....

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Printed in Great Britain by Sr. CLEMENTS Plass, LTD., Portugal

The Spectator

Street, Kingsway, W.C.2, and published by TES SPECTATOR LTD., at their o ffi ces, No. 99 Gower Street, Loudon, W.C.1.-Friday, March 12, 1948.

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Hungary Moves Left

The Spectator

Events in Hungary appear to be moving broadly in accordance with the Russian plan. The important speech delivered by M. Dinnyes, M. Nagy's successor as Prime Minister, at...

The Fate of Krupps

The Spectator

It is not surprising that Essen, which lies in the British zone, should be a test case in German economy. If the demilitarisation of Germany is to have any meaning it is obvious...


The Spectator

T HOUGH M. Ramadier's Government may hold together while the Three-Power talks continue its hold on life is obviously precarious in the extreme. The coal-strike is over, after...

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Nationalised Electricity

The Spectator

With the passage of its Third Reading in the Commons_ on Monday the Electricity Bill takes its place in the queue of measures awaiting discussion by the Lords. It goes to the...

Post Office and Public

The Spectator

The fact that the annual debate in the House of Commons on the Post Office vote is naturally devoted largely to suggestion and criticism does not denote any serious or...

Are We Underfed ?

The Spectator

Tuesday's food debate in the House of Commons focused on two main questions. Are we getting enough to eat? And what steps are we taking to get more? Though the second question...

The Allies and Japan

The Spectator

Public opinion in this country is concerning itself so predominantly with the defeated enemy in Europe that it has little attention to give to the defeated enemy in Asia. Yet...

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Fuel and Staggered Hours

The Spectator

The a g reement reached on sta gg ered hours in the en g ineerin g industry is an important step towards a miti g ation of the fuel problems of the comin g winter, for this...

AT WESTMINSTER M R. DALTON'S statement on the import position on

The Spectator

Monday came to the House unheralded and left it unsun g . It was a case of " tell me now in mournful numbers," for Mr. Dalton • abandoned his usual boomin g bonhomie in favour...

• The End of- U.N.R.R.A.

The Spectator

On Monday U.N.R.R.A. missions in Europe ceased to exist and only a small body of officials will remain to supervise shipments of supplies which will continue in diminishin g q...

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The Spectator

T HE announcement on import restrictions made by the Chancel- lor of the Exchequer in the House of Commons on Monday had an obvious relation to the conversations then in...

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There are two words, now indefensively in vogue, on which

The Spectator

I hereby declare war, in one case war to the knife. That is " over- all," with or without a hyphen in the middle, in the sense of " complete " or " comprehensive," or more often...

The Press is not often so near unanimity as it

The Spectator

has been over the decision of the Royal Commission on the Press to hear all oral evidence in private. The Institute of Journalists and the National Union of Journalists rival...

Mrs. Margaret Sanger Slee, " international advocate of planned parenthood,"

The Spectator

suggests, apparently in all seriousness, that women of the hungry countries of Europe, including Britain, should have no babies for the next ten years. This is certainly an...

A SPECTATOR 'S NOTEBOOK P ROCEEDINGS before the Committee of Privileges

The Spectator

of the House of Commons always excite considerable interest, and there are elements in the Committee's report on the question raised by Mr. W. J. Brown, the Independent Member...

It is natural, I suppose, that a hall that is

The Spectator

half full should look half empty. And a half-empty hall looks a little depressing. But when the hall seats tz,000 an audience that fills half the places is by no means...

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The Spectator

By MAURICE EDELMAN, M.P. D RIVEN by the force of things during the war, the Allies found themselves, almost without noticing it, creating joint agencies for the common purpose...

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The Spectator

By W. J. BROWN, M.P. 1 T was Llewellyn Powys, I think, who said that each day should be lived as if it were one's last, and yet, at the same time, as if one would live forever....

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The Spectator

By GUNTHER STEIN New York. T HE United States will soon.be faced with a fateful realisation ; no American plan for sufficient long-term aid to the outside world can be...

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The Spectator

By H. D. WALSTON G ERMANY'S economic disaster is so immediate and so pressing that there is every excuse for concentrating our thoughts and efforts upon the solution of these...

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The Spectator

By LADY IRIS CAPELL F you plan to take the family for a holiday, and succeed in booking rooms, buying railways tickets, ordering a taxi, shutting up the house, boarding out the...

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The Spectator

By RAWLE KNOX T HE English are here again, and will soon be going home to report their amazement at the butter and eggs and at people who cross themselves every time they pass...


The Spectator

SPARROWS alight on these taut wires Silver in the evening sun, their eager speech A tangle of insignificant desires. And caught in the long shadow of a tree My thoughts...

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The Spectator

By HAROLD NICOLSON I HAVE been reading this week an American book, entitled Lost Treasures of Europe, which purports to be a catalogue and a pictorial record of the main works...

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The Spectator

LACK of space last week prevented me from writing about the new Covent Garden production of II Trovatore and also from keeping my promise to talk about the singing of Jennie...


The Spectator

THE CINEMA " They Made Me a Fugitive." (Warner's.) " The Upturned Glass." (Gaumont.) PERHAPS it is the monotony of living that has turned our producers' thoughts to crime, or...


The Spectator

AT the Anglo-French Art Centre are pictures by C. Venard. In colour and texture these are succulent—at times maybe a little glutinous—but a certain hardness, a sort of wiry...

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The Spectator

(R.A.F. Station, Habbaniya) THE enormous wintry sky is piled with snow-clouds From which the sun streams on the yellow rushes Bordering the wide banks of the River Euphrates....


The Spectator

SOMETIMES I am inclined to think that the Children's flour represents the apex of achievement in British broadcasting. Its programmes maintain a remarkably high level of...

The Spectator

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The Spectator

SIR,-I am one of those who are very grateful to Canon Roger Lloyd for his penetrating article on France Pays de Mission ?- bock I have known of since its publication in 1943 but...


The Spectator

THE FUTURE OF PLANNING • Sia,—While gladly welcoming the article by my friend Sir Patrick Abercrombie which appeared in your issue of 13th June, I think he is perhaps a little...


The Spectator

Sta,—I agree whole-heartedly with your correspondent who condemns " lines " as an imposition in such an uncompromising fashion. At the school where I spent thirty-five years,...


The Spectator

SIR, —Few would have the temerity to question Professor Brogan's authority when he speaks of France or the U.S.A. When, however, he wanders to Norway, his remarks are more open...

SIR,-Mr. W. N. Leak rightly indicts the shocking practice of

The Spectator

degrading the great human tradition of writing to the status of a punishment. But is not his alternative equally destructive of any real love for literature? Surely the majority...

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THE 1928 PRAYER BOOK SIR,—I read with surprise the statement

The Spectator

by your correspondent. Mr. G. W. R. Thomson, in reference to the consecration of Matthew Parker as Archbishop, that "All the recognised books of reference state categorically...


The Spectator

SIR,—Some time ago you published an article of mine called Speech Day. It concerned a North Country school but gave no names whatever. The Corporation of Rochdale, however, have...

PRIMARY SCHOOL STANDARDS Snt,—It is clear that your correspondent, "Headmaster,"

The Spectator

is totally un- acquainted with the aim and purpose of a junior school. The main care of a primary school is to supply children with a balanced education and, unlike the grammar...


The Spectator

SIR,—The discussion of Bible language, which is opened again by the pro- posal for a new translation, too often, it seems to me, assumes the inability of ordinary persons to...

SIR,— By abandoning his principles Socrates could have escaped the

The Spectator

death penalty, but I never have heard it suggested that he committed suicide. When the intellectually brilliant choose self-annihilation to an existence dispossessed of the...

SIR,—The words of the late William Temple are a pleasing

The Spectator

answer to Violet Hammersley's condemnation of voluntary death. In a letter written in November, 1938, the Archbishop takes a different view. " The ideally right course, at which...


The Spectator

SIR,—Janus objects to the practice of bringing in verdicts of " suicide while of unsound mind," but surely, so long as all persons convicted of attempted suicide are classed as...


The Spectator

Sts,—There is one point in Mr. J. A. Stevenson's article on Radio Newspapers which is not quite clear. " Anyone," he says, " who aspires to be a publisher and can command...

Sns,—Last week I bought a copy of a new edition

The Spectator

of Peake's Commentary which may be described as " a good tottual commentary embodying the most recent scholarship." It is in one very bulky volume, but I do not think you could...

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The Spectator

Sig,—May I, through the courtesy of your columns, appeal to your readers on behalf of a German friend of mine, a young publisher, an economist by training, son of a well-known...

A Cuckoo Experiment It has been suggested .that those who

The Spectator

find young cuckoos in . a nest before they have murdered their fellow nestlings should try the experi- ment of removing the youngster to an artificial nest placed near by. Would...

In My Garden

The Spectator

It is interesting to note how garden crops are affected by new mechanical discoveries. The increase of canning has led to the increase of certain particular varieties, for...


The Spectator

Two preservers of wild life in very different parts of the world have assured me within the space of one week that people are growing kinder. In a world distinctly short of good...


The Spectator

Sta,—That the word "Protestant" had the sense, of one who asserts, or affirms, is shown, I think, conclusively by the first two lines of Herrick's best-known poem. "Bid me to...


The Spectator

SIR,—Mr. L. C. Lloyd asks if any mention of foxhunting and coursing is to be banned from the air. " Such suppresSion would be both stupid and dishonest," he comments. But is it...

More Egrets

The Spectator

The second piece of good news comes from a naturalist who has just returned to South 4merica. He tells me: " A species now gaining ground rapidly is the small egret, or Mirasol....

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The Spectator

Courrier Francais (This is the second of the letters on current French books which the Stendhalian scholar, M. Henri Martineau, is contributing to The Spectator at regular...

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Lecky's Letters

The Spectator

A Victorian Historian. Private Letters of W. E. H. Lecky, 1859-1878. Edited by H. Montgomery Hyde. (Home and Van Thal. 6s.) " Avamr de partir de Bagneres de Bigorre visitez les...

Blood and Guts

The Spectator

IN reading this life of the American General Patton one is irre- sistibly reminded of our own Picton, who commanded a division in the Peninsula and at Waterloo, Wellington...

A New Pausanias

The Spectator

Hellenic TraveL By W. A. Wigram. (Faber and Faber. 15s.) DR. WIGRAM was a familiar figure to those who, before the war, were able to spend three weeks' holiday on a Hellenic...

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Journals Got Up

The Spectator

Mathew Flinders' Narrative of his Voyage in the Schooner Francis : 1798. Preceded and followed by notes on Flinders, Bass, the wreck of the Sidney Cove, etc. By Geoffrey Rawson,...


The Spectator

'The Babeuf Plot : The Making of Republican Legend. By David Thomson. (Routledge. 7s. 6d.) THIS is a short introduction (to6 pages) to two themes: the story of Babeuf's life...

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Book Notes .

The Spectator

WHEN John Mulgan died in Cairo in 1945 he left behind him the manuscript of a book—" the draft and outline of a book I'd like to write." It is published now, entitled Report on...

Last Time

The Spectator

Aspects of British Economic History, 1918-1925. By A. C. Pigou. (Macmillan. 15s.) IN 1941 the Government, in a forward-looking spirit, invited Pro- fessor Pigou to collate the...

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The Spectator

for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week yuly 15th. Envelopes must be received...


The Spectator

IelniMillne 1.110 rn ri memo - nmn - il11113111=1101 It1131111E1 II CI 13 El 11 ICI 13 - 8; ME331711T10 H1101300130 13 1E VI Li IR II CI 13 mammon.= wieti ngi n MIMS la CI...

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study of the causes of the internal situation of Fl

The Spectator

NANCE AND INVESTMENT By CUSTOS IT is a reliable indication of depressed market sentiment when good news is ignored and even indifferent news is given its worst possible ....