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The debate of yesterday week on the Procedure Resolutions related,

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in the first instance, to Mr. Sclater-Booth's calm pro- posal to exempt Committees of Supply from the provisions for the closure of debate,—just as if the Society for the...

On Monday, Mr. Bryce's amendment, providing that the Speaker or

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Chairman should not propose the closure of debate, unless set in motion by a Minister of the Crown or the Mem- ber in charge of the Bill or resolution,—a proposal by no means...


The Spectator

T HE Government have struck a strong stroke in Egypt. Harassed by incessant questions in Parliament, by the differences between their own opinions and those of their agents in...

4 * * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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The trial of Arabi does not advance, and probably will

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not advance. The masses of evidence are said to be immense, they have all to be translated, and then Arabi has to suggest, from his recollection, the answers to his counsel. The...

It is understood that the Egyptian Government is alarmed at

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the progress of the False Prophet in the Soudan, that the British have declined' to interfere, and that Baker Pasha has been ordered to reinforce Khartoum. This will be done, it...

Sir Charles Dilke answers as few questions about Egypt as

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he can, as shortly as he can ; but we gather from his various replies this week that her Majesty's Government do not approve any of the military arrangements yet suggested in...

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After this great speech, the discussion still laboured on for.

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two nights, Sir John Lubbock defending not very happily his own modification of Mr. Gibson's proposal, and Lord Randolph Churchill amusing the House on Wednesday by a very...

Mr. Gladstone's reply was one of the most brilliant of

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his speeches. He began by compelling the House to realise the exigency of the case,—that it is now a question between the reform of procedure, and the abdication of its...

On Tuesday began the great discussion of Mr. Gibson's amendment—the

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amendment proposing that the closure of debate shall not be enforced by any majority smaller than that of two-thirds of the Members present—Mr. Gibson ad- vocating it in a...

Turning to the more general arguments of Mr. Gibson, Mr.

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Gladstone wondered that they should rest so much on the enormous danger of identifying the Speaker and Chairman with the tactics of party, considering that so many of the Con-...

Mr. Green has resigned the living of Miles Platting into

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the hands of Sir Percival Heywood, the patron, and has explained his reasons in a letter to his former parishioners. One reason is that the Bishop of Manchester is about to...

The minority' consisted of almost the whole Conservative party,—minus Lord

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Randolph Churchill, Sir H. D. Wolff, Mr. Gorst, and Lord Algernon Percy (none of whom, however, voted with the Liberals); and plus Sir John Lubbock, Mr. Foster (Bridgnorth), Mr....

The debate on Thursday was not very important. Mr. Balfour

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threw off the authority of his leader, Lord Randolph Churchill, and declared for Mr. Gibson's amendment. Mr.. Labouchere declared that the Democracy did not want dis- cussion,...

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The Prussian elections have, as usual, ended in leaving all

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power in the hands of the Catholics. The Conservatives re- turned number 136, about 20 more than before ; the Free Con- servatives, 47; and the Liberals and National Liberals,...

The new Regius Professor of Hebrew at Oxford is the

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Rev. S. R. Driver, of New College, who also succeeds to the Canonry of Christchurch, which is annexed to that professorship. Professor Sayee, the Rev. J. W. Nutt, of All Souls',...

A horrible and novel accident occurred to the Midland Scotch

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express on Sunday. After the train left Normanton, the Pullman sleeping-car, with four passengers in it, was discovered to be on fire. An effort was made to stop the train by...

Paris and Lyons are both quiet, but there is much

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secret alarm. The lower workmen are in distress, resent the steady rise of rents caused by the crowding into towns, and indulge in the fiercest language against the bourgeoisie....

A statement we made a week or two ago, that

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after the murder of Lord Frederick Cavendish, the Government had to choose between a second Coercion Bill and a resort to military force, appears to have distressed his friends....

M. Cl6mencea.u's speech about the Anarchists was singularly moderate. He

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is supposed in Englantl to be a firebrand, but - though speaking to his constituents of Montmartre, he on Sunday unhesitatingly denounced outrage and assassination, adding that...

The first result of Scrutin de Lista in Italy has

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been a con- siderable majority for the Government of S. Depretis, which may be described as moderately Liberal. The Left, which supports him, has returned 252 Members, and the...

Consols were on Friday paq to 102.

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sank Bate, 5 per cent.

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THE ALARM IN FRANCE. T F the great cities still govern France, as they did under previous Republics, there is some reason for the alarm reported from Paris, and partly proved...

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I T is satisfactory to have had the ample majority of eighty- four, to prove that the House of Commons has no mind to hand over its power of upholding the Speaker or Chairman in...

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T HE despatch of Lord Dufferin to Cairo, with permission to remain there, if needful, for three months, and with in- structions to all concerned to regard him as the sole...

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MITE cry of the "Two Conservatives" in the Fortnightly 1 Review would be a very sensible cry indeed, if it were the cry of genuine Conservatives. The only fault we have to find...

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W E must confess to a latent wish, which we scarcely understand, and which is probably professional rather than political, that the Conservatives would develope some additional...

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T HE interview which the American Correspondent of the Standard has lately had with Mr. Herbert Spencer was more fruitful than such conversations commonly are. The correspondent...

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T HE readers of Mr. Claude Montefiore's interesting paper, in the September number of the Contemporary Review, on the capacity of Judaism for becoming a universal religion, and...


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W E have written very often in this journal on the position attained by Millionaires, a dull subject which greatly interests us, and to judge from the letters we receive, our...

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Y ET, you fair, fickle, excitable, provoking, delightful France, how absolutely you stand in the place of scapegrace to Europe, and how entirely every well-constituted being...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.' . ] S111, — I had hoped not to occupy any more of your valuable space, either with my views on Ireland or any other subject. But Mr. Goldwin...


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ELDEST SONS. [TO THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR.'] Sia,—I know nothing of Lord Cranborne's chances of learning "municipal life" in "St. George's,"—presumably, "in the West." As...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE 'SPECTATOR.") Sun—In the proposed research into the nature of so-called "psychical" phenomena, I think it will be useful to have a definition, as clear as...


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Sun—Under the above heading, appeared an article in your. issue of last week animadverting on the supposed way in which the Solicitor to the London School Board is paid, and...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] Sin,-1 propos of your review of the book entitled "Ghostly Visitors," and of the correspondence which appeared in the Spectator a few weeks...

through the medium of your paper, are made upon those

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who think differently from you, on the question of Vivisection. I have not the least desire to enter into a discussion on this ques- tion, but simply wish to draw your attention...

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[To THE EDITOR. OF THE "SPECTATOR." j SIB,—Having read the notice of Gilchrist's Life of Blake," which appeared in your issue of the 21st October, you will, perhaps, permit inc...


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TWO VOLUMES OF VERSE.* THERE is true poetry in both these volumes, so tine and so fair an amount of it. that we rather wonder why the names of the poets are not connected with...

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WE have conscientiously read these eleven hundred and thirty- eight octavo pages (not including tables of contents and index), and our liveliest feeling at the end of our task...

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IN these two new publications we have fresh evidence of Mr. Walter Crane's peculiar, and, what is in these days a most rare power of art, expression. While it is, in its very...

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A CHELSEA HOUSEHOLDER.* AN Art novel in which artists and

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their associates live and move without affectation, and talk in plain English, without either assthetic jargon or " fast " slang, is a new and agreeable experience. Good-sense,...

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WE hardly remember to have seen a better number of the Nineteenth, Century. To begin with, we have another paper from Dr. Jessopp, this time on " Superstition in Arcady," as...

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ILLUSTRATED GIFT-BOOKS. The enterprise and rivalry of publishers are such, that there is a danger of Christmas, with its modern shower of gift-books, cards, and annuals, coming...