9 APRIL 1965


When are People People?

The Spectator

ARTS & AMUSEMENTS Whlcei alre People People'? It ? PA T R I C K A N 1) F R S 0 N T i h 1a1. 1h1 gol L tlrhoulgh9 ; Ia0rough Old T ire [1Wrcclli"v Mum Willi thr:ee top mllen...

[SIR,-I am grateful to Dr. Royston Lambert for...]

The Spectator

SmIL. I .,rn g!raitdull to I)r. IRov'ti11 I llibilt Io" hile ComlmenLItS onl im itilic AmIhcr I githit for Puhlic 'NCloo l' Is I k own IlI rcc -yea\'Ia govi I nicr III -ai'dci...


'The Representative'

The Spectator

I 'The Represenitative' SIR,- It is disapoinlting to notice hlit a promincntl Cathmolic, like Mr. Clh ristopher I-lollis, secms to regardl the Chliirchb's statemen t s. so tar...

[SIR,-Mr. Christopher Hollis finds it difficult to see...]

The Spectator

SX. I 1_'. (II1iit-1 - clil Il l is fi Lids i dliliulI to scc I %%hlh RAiIbbi S. \W'lrshiaw and I are 'e'linlg at. 'To 1e11cp ii1n I mutist pojnlt 1111 that ielthr oii [is...

Amber Light for Public Schools?

The Spectator

Amber Light I'ox PlHlic Schools? SIR,- 'I hlerC is nlothilng xN rong %withl mlelritocrlajcy, 1but I would not Care to be the me I olllittliollSl od t o'lpoletaiall parlis gra...

[SIR,-Mr. Rhodes James seems to entertain a curious...]

The Spectator

sI, N1'r. Rh iodes .L1]'ics scecill s to cniltcrt;lill nl ciliNll I coflicpt';ll )iI tile 5 1\1tt-1)t)Ilfl ho(ulse' III the lot:al Collt'ex o\f1 tl ei publich scthiols. Si lLC...

Prison Without Pains?

The Spectator

IPai 1s? PI-iSOll WithOLIt SIR.- (iiieCS PIi Ilailrs lrison artileiC tOI)Chs on ()lne aIspeet ot prisonf lih geincrl1 overldook ed. btil MI Mi L C;I se's ; .qit.C i todinateC...

Hurrying Backwards

The Spectator

I Hurrying Backwards Sim.- LI eo Bairon Stated ifn thel last pa ragraph o( his at ice I ( March 26) Ithat the ll1C uIs qm)Ii in Rhodesia is a per)pL'letuation of a Complete...


Le Soulier de Satin. (Theatre de France at the Aldwych.) The Platinum People. (Hampstead Theatre Club.)

The Spectator

'tTEATRE M.,de in Hleaven Ix.' d(' Satlil. ( X h<3ii tie I -liee a It OI L A kIlvcli.) I/u' I'tIP i,,,,im P'eoplIe. (I lipSIC, t:i 'I'lal l heI re ( IL uh.) W "' do(les lithe...


The Spectator

BROADWAY Elementary 'IA' ),AI of bread. a cryptogramm/Were happincss enow.' sings Sherlock Holmes, neatly expressing his choice of sense over sensuality. and ,rebuffing the...


IN Accounting for Murder

The Spectator

Ifs a Crime I N .Acvo(thI>iig for biurder (I (it) II, i nc/. I 5s.). [rnma 11I athlelnl is once more engrossed w1ith the va garies ol' American K Iniig. Talaen ted Ii...

Cross Roads to Israel: Palestine from Balfour to Bevin. By Christopher Sykes. Mandate Memories 1918-1948. By Norman and Helen Bentwich.

The Spectator

The Mandate (rosls Roads to Israel: Palestine frroml IBlrfour to Bevin. y ( Christopher S'kcs. ( ColliIs. 42s.) MmaNh~n te Nlenmories 1918-1948. BN Norman and Id ICII...


The Spectator

Indecision t ,i,,,id ni ,1, L suIffrvis it * il oln h pillow. Brlings Il' rain down to keel) the world in bed \dL safeLtv of hiis LonIscience. L ook, I he sky lights others to...



The Spectator


The Spectator


The Naked City

The Spectator

BOOSI BOOKS The Naked City BI A. AI VAItKE. Z TO 1m)o>t p)eople New York is not rcall; aI clitN at all: it 's a state of nerves. an exci temient It doesn't, al' er all, even...


Grow Old Along With Me

The Spectator

Grow 0(1l AIIog With MNcle Ill lirhi lincomilLciltiii hTkciu. \nd \)'-'1 .iit''cili. fii\ r ciitci,10 I oi: nuIt Ibcn uet Ii byQn picvncavcl I h-1 1 1cccll.ll divi' ; og l...

Bulgaria After Bloom

The Spectator

Buldgaria After Blown I; y As N 1) It L' W It O It 1 I. RtS 1 N 1,.S,, ho ,. ;l1t.ach O%1', iol ly pcnelirt.d lIi'lics. This year thlerLi ap jckltqcd lout 11iit takes inL...


Letter to Mr. Christopher Soames

The Spectator

Letter to Mr. Christopher Soames By JUJLIAN (RItC1i1.1Y Y MA la ,)oiltilitmcllt as 'SlIdo\V' defence Imillister has bcn madea t a time when the debate within the (onservat...

The Hard Core

The Spectator

I'lle I Har(d CoreC *Ihusc l ho c:Ltr eibLlll e1h d it Nee!HN itop,-d..ve Im,, ;f. A qulickv poll of1 the Sjw1'.tator, fl ice irc 'vc:d te:lt oil o I O\\ I C11.p WerI ixVing...

Budget Day

The Spectator

Budget Daty It must gratify the Almighty i' hli observes how many of Her MWjesty's faithiul Commons aIrc firmly wAtedgcd ill their places when praycrs open thle pr1 oCeedinllgS...

Audience Participation

The Spectator

Au\idience Participsatioun A triend of' minc wvho like niy sell sonl lmlels ere-CJSIIhs llifl onSall t u,01 d11ady a fternoonl s by going to Rugby matches tells mei he tinds it...


A Peroration a Hundred Years After

The Spectator

APPOMATTOX, APRIL 9, 1865 A Peroration a Hundred Years After Ily A 1 1 EN TATE TERIIE1 are certain dates of the War Between the States that most SIouLtherners, buLt peihaps...



The Spectator

VIEWS OF THE WEEK FSiR-2 IAc I tli ol the Cho[)pcr 1T l fin;IIl dclioll to St'1. (lic 'I SR-2 is a 1 ,b,'td onh. VIC inlCptiLilltud \\11N \\hliCll, \v.(S :akcn, how\\c\''Ir....


The Spectator

GEIRMANY l3is)Iarl'Aks Nightmiare SNKAI (,. 1NI1.NI wriltes f ()ll B)0111I.- prlil 1, 1965, \ws (hl 15011i annivirsary of tihc hirth of (W)Ito von IBisn;il'k, the great...


The Spectator

WILSON IN PARIS IPonip and. (I i-c Unistuince T ( ) haVC removed.\'CU t1 rc o ItilucSS flro I T rnchl elations i} IlloSt wlcll'c 1ch eVCwlUcOlt. Il lieisc ,iIC iflc\iltLLbl...


Company Notes

The Spectator

Company Notes It y 1, ( H It UJ It Y Mi'1FRIAL ('11EICAML(/ IND)USTIESl* shalres Ihaivc ndt becef very c\Citing over tire Past Year or so. butL his gret Compflay Con tinues to...

Investment Notes

The Spectator

Investment Notes Bty CUSTOS O N the eve of the budget equity shares were extraordinarily firm thanks to a series of excellent company reports and a 'bullish' lEconoci Report...


Une Femme mariee. (Cameo-Royal, 'X' certificate.)

The Spectator

CINEMA W\aitimg for Godard Ulit, Femme m.toic. (Came)-Roya,, a cerlic\late.) IN Wvili tng lIbout Jea1-1 uc (1Godarid I feel like the hero of m1y i favorilte heroic poem:...

Jolly Red Jacks

The Spectator

BALLET Jolly Red Jacks timK ;1 c two sides to tile \world Americ:a. F1,1li ich fIor ConvI'enicnce we inmight call 'LIs,' antid Rts,,ia. which we mihlit call 'them.' These are...

Head and Heart

The Spectator

ART HIead and H-leart J\(K SMIII CS neW shOW aIt tilc GIrOSvenor (.iallery vividly extends Ihis last. H-lere is his precise mapping of, bright ribbons and hiicrovlyphs on flat...


Fair-But Too Deflationary

The Spectator

THE ECONOMY & THE CITY Fair-But Too Deflationary Is) N I ( 11(11. A S ) A 1 F. N PO 0 R1 y r cullu .ttck sonie of the (IL:ua Il 1undl a fIt cN of thCIem imuke me mud bUt yoiu...


Eliot and Pound

The Spectator

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR F/mn8). AII It I/ i Sce In o III -SIII ilI/I, J ohn1 Iripp).1//,' I,*,aw. Rol(ef'II, olaljojic 1). IlloI/O'oodl Jo./,i Pa p ,,I,,,d). S'ir / II) II.%//...

Black Man's Burden

The Spectator

Black Man's Burden S iR I read W ith Interest Nil'. ( .lli ng"wnod Aust'tIsCS artetce (SimXpllr. NM arch 1"2). being mysel f in a somew* halt simila r position. a foreignecr in...


The Spectator

M iscegenation silt, in the course of a correspondence on racial integratiojn ini fly contlil's Wcekly newspaper, many mi5 mortilhv statenments h ave been made about the...

Poets of the Dangerous Way

The Spectator

Poets of the DangeroLsI Waly Sim. At the end of his review oft the late Svivia IP1ath's last ook of' poems. MI. L.. Rosenthal I ises thle important question: "Inllinking of...



The Spectator

DOCTORS War on Two Fronts ? I) P I. VAUcG lAN wril's WVhilC in uncasy cailm broodl ovCr gcner.dpnractitioner politics (in spite of one or two ilchly trigger lingers-) the...


The Spectator

THE PRESS The Times for a Change? ( '11RISTOPI llR BoOKFR Wtrit.%s: A few weeks ago one of my 'IsuaLily rClialble sources' as to Flect Street's goings-on behind the scenes...


After the Budget

The Spectator

Political Commentar After the Budget ISy ALAN WATKINS I1- miIght be as well to begin with what thle ht1Idget does not prove. It dOeS not prove that there will be no election...

[WHEN Lady King-Hall died two years ago...]

The Spectator

Spectator's Notebook W1{ IFN lady Kinig-I-tll died two yctrs ;1go the Kay King-Il-JIl Memorial [und was established. 'Service to Africans< was taken :1s the nanme and the...

The Southerner

The Spectator

Ilhe Southerner Allen 1'ate, who WV rites Wivh ShIch inISigh1t an11d px'Ion th1is week on the centlenari.y of' I e's Surrellnldl', iS One of tile OLItstanding Amecrican Writels...

That Programme

The Spectator

Thlat P'rogrammle Befire .flllenc2b is psied. Could the pjitrsisOIll in the dock say a word? First, there is sL ret, vlittle point in hoildig the view th;., too man y...


Portrait of the Week

The Spectator

Portrait of the Week - 1111 1'1'N1 N~tl'l i L t'.t~t,d t a 'I, Iv~ c ld, jt In1 I tla N r I, w III:I rI d ll tO[tvt III 11 ':11 I'1; a',"I 11.:C teLI Idl]5t be+ Jr c:ci,,I I t(...

Callaghan's Medicine

The Spectator

Callagrhan's Medicine A Nd (of 1 r t fll [\&[1c-c is&t .lS iflmpIf't'llt ; I)ULdgCt :te \'Fr. ('.LU h i, S this wocAk, is...


Winston Churchill As I Knew Him. By Violet Bonham Carter.

The Spectator

Young WilstonI 1Viiist1on (CIhturchiill As I Knewv Him. B\v Violet Bo0 111 ( arter. l 1rid Sprotiis\\noice/ .olliiis, 45s.) 1 SPY\ V li I 1' (i d nIot nIItI C hu i111chill...



The Spectator



The Spectator


Saint-Saens and his Circle. By James Harding.

The Spectator

Sugar Sweet? Sainiit-Saciis tied his Circle. By .k:inc.s 1 hrding. | (Chapmian and 1-1;,ll. 36s.) '1ll.. h iog ra pher todal is harli-d pUt to it to find sLIbjects torU his...

The Paradise Within. By Louis Martz. Five Metaphysical Poets. By Joan Bennett.

The Spectator

Without Benefit Thlme P'radise Within. liv I ouis MIa rtz. (Yale U. P.. 48s.) Iive MeNtauphiysical Poets. B3y .1Jon Blennclt. (C.J.P.. 18s. 6d.) IN his previous bookf, Th/i...

Mammon and the Black Goddess. By Robert Graves.

The Spectator

Dionysian Craves Ma ~iniion ;nid tile llIack (;(jddess. 03x Robert (Iil CN. ((Catssell. ' I . ) Ai I llt one of Ithcse el Ii I pieces (aill aitlclc c~illed Rea11 Womenn * rt...


'Mr. X' of the New Establishment

The Spectator

P1'I)0/ R, 1 1'S () F .-1 I A I()I. /)(,OI)OI.1. 1IN 6 1 II ',? I I i .?,/ ", v. x (IO' i 'ili-Po N e %v F4sia. h m ?? ?n I 1 I El 11 I ST () 1 l' II 1 I t 11 ) 00 I. It Aic...


The Science of Rubbish

The Spectator

The Science of Rubbish B At SI U AI ' i, G G OTT T- C s Archacology. mon cher, The Siience of Rubbish.' salid a wliter in Th I u Iii/deol 1846, after listing pyxes, piscine....


The Sun of Death. By Pandelis Prevelakis. Translated by Philip Sherrard. The Grass Won't Grow Till Spring. By David Lytton. The Big Time. By Vernon Scannell. The Berlin Memorandum. By Adam Hall. Black Hearts in Battersea. By Joan Aiken.

The Spectator

Cretan Boyhood I lTe Sun of Dea(lii. IBy J);liltdelis llrcveclaki. Trllis- I JaICLI try I'llilill sherrard. ( Mu, rraty, I (s.) I Tlhe (Grass WVon't (;rowV Till Spring. By...