9 JULY 1859



The Spectator

THlE' FOiURTII OF JULY. The An-.c'ican A: ~,i ation of London celebrated the eighty-third annivcrsary ot th 4th of July, 1' a public dinner in St. James's Hall, on Monday. 'I...


The Spectator

3olig II autunu. Mr. Milner Gibson has been appointed President of the Board of Trade, the post intended for Mr. Cobden. Mr. Charles Villiers has been appointed President of...



The Spectator

THE OLD PATENT BANK THERMO31ETE1U. EARLY in the week there was an expectation that the Bank of England would reduce the rate of discount to 2l per cent; a remnaklkable...


The Spectator

FREE TRADE IA- THE CABINET. TEE appointment of Mr. Charles Villiers will be hailed with hearty satisfaction by the Free Trade Party, and especially by those honest veterans of...


The Spectator

"XNONnINTERV-ENTIONT." THE influential and powerful speakers who dilated at the American dinner on the doctrine of nonintervention appear to us to have missed the point of the...


[A "comedietta" which in spite of its diminutive appellation, is of no...]

The Spectator

gor 6 4ratrrs. A "o omedietta," which in spite of its diminutive appellation, is of no I inconsiderable length, has been brought out at the Strand Thcatrc, with the title, A...

[Many benefit concerts continue to be given.]

The Spectator

MINany benefit concerts continue to be given. Few of them are worthy I t. I- of notice. Most of them are given by teachers or performers (often obscure ones) who get their...


The Spectator

PARISIAN THEATRICALS. MM. Siraudin, Lambert Thiboust, and Arll-ien Scholl,-three in all, -have united their forces to write a little verse-comedy, called Rosalinde, which is...

[The Bradford Musical Festival of this year is to commence on Tuesday,...]

The Spectator

The Bradford Musical Festival of this year is to commemce on Tuesday, 23d August, and to terminate on the following Friday. The morning perfornmance, will include T/e Crcatioe,...

[We scarcely remember a season when the annals of the Italian opera...]

The Spectator

Musir. We scarcely remember a season when the annals of the Italian opera in England have been as barren of novelty and interest as they are this year. With the exception of...


The Spectator

'fiur arts. CHU2RCH1'S IIEAIRT OF THE ANDES. The picture now exhibited at the German Gallery in Bond Street, No. 168, by Mir. Frederick Edwin Church, an American artist, is a...



The Spectator

BOOKS. THE REVIEWS FOR JJLY WAR topics occupy of course many pages of the Reviews for July. "Italy; its Prospects and Capacities," is the title of an important article in the...

[Sir John Bowring, the late governor of Hong Kong and Minister to...]

The Spectator

Sir John Bowring, the late governor of Hong Kong and Minister to China has passed through Paris for London. Sir John and his eldest daughter were among the passengers...


The Spectator

Irttrrs tu t?r fbitDr. M11R. MORRIS M1OORE-AN ERRATUM. Paris, Juily 5th, 1859. SIR-The article in the .S1ectator of last Saturday, headed " The National Gallery D)isgraee,"...

[SIR-Thanks are due to you for the well-merited tribute paid to Mr....]

The Spectator

Silt-Thanks are due to vou for the well-merited tribute paid to Mr Morris Moore in your paper of last week. It is greatly to be regretted that unfair infiuences have prevented...


The Court.

The Spectator

II t c 0 it r t. Till QuEEN held a Court on Saturday. The llonourable Charles A. Murray, Envoy to the King of Saxony, had an audience of leave on proceeding to Dresden. The...


The Spectator

THE WAR IN ITALY. Very little military news from the seat of war has been received this week touching present events. We reprint the more important tele- | grams, the first of...



The Spectator

MR. COBDEN'S REFUSAL. WHEN it was announced that Mr. Cobden had declined to accept the seat offered him in the Cabinet, the political stock-jobbers were at once in hopes that...


The Spectator

TOPICS OF THE DAY. ACTUAL POSITION OF AUSTRTA. TnE announcement of the Armistice comes upon us as something sudden; though, if we reflect for a moment, we shall perceive that...


[The decision in the Court of Exchequer, on Tuesday, has ex-...]

The Spectator

The decision in the Court of Exchequer, on Tuesday, has ex- cited unusual interest in the bar and the public, as seeming to fall short of justice. Everybody remembers the case...

[The events in Parliament have been interesting, although they...]

The Spectator

The events, in Parliament have been interesting, although they I have partaken a somewhat desultory character, combined with the rather summary treatment proper to the sense...

[ALTHOUGH Mr. Cobden's taking the oaths and his seat for Roch-...]

The Spectator

NEWS OF THE WEEK. ALTHOUGH Mr. Cobden's taking the oaths and his seat for Roch- I dale, on Friday, led to the natural inference that he had not aceepted office under the...



The Spectator

-NEW NOVELS.' The Ordeal of Richard Fererel is, like IThc Caxtons, a Shandean novel of contemporary English life, but freer and less mechanical in its Shandyism. Whilst Sir...



The Spectator

IRELAND. The Earl of Eglinton held his farewcell levee at Dublin Castle on MNonday. IHe said that he bade, with unfeigned sorrow, farewell to a countrv he almost looked upon...

Foreign and Colonial.

The Spectator

,lurriqn flau Culunnial. T r a n r r.-T he Parisians formally celebrated the victory of Solferino on Sundav. A Te Dcum was performed yesterday in great state at X'6tre Dame bv...


The Spectator

SCOTLAND. Tile Govfsrnmont are about to elect a nine gun battey at Broughty Ferry, for the defeuce of the river Tay. The old castle will not be disturbed.


[For a complete and conscientious review of the French Salon of 1859,...]

The Spectator

For a complete and conscientious review of the French Salon of 1859, the reader is referred to the articles by M. Patul Mantz, just concluded in the Gazettc des Beaux Arts for...



The Spectator

THIE AMERICAN ANNIVERSARY AT PARIS. | The first national barquet given hy the Americans in Paris, in hornour of their national birthday,. wa held on Mondav last at the Hotel du...


The Spectator

R srf it t .13 T t 5, 1 a 5 Ij i o ii s, Tr a ? t, ?,,' r. Il'AltlM FASHIONS. (From our w1n Corre~spudeln d.) Light summer toilets englross all the attention, and there is a...



The Spectator

LAMARTINE'S MALRY STUART.* TiLE: new biographical sketch of Mfary Queen of Scots is, we are told, "Ithe only work of M. de Lamartine which has appeared solely in an English...



The Spectator

THE OCCASIONAL. By LEIGH HUNT. No. XIII. YOUNG OLD STATESuMEN. Lsd Palmerston and Lord John RussellCharacterization of Lord Paloerston by the Tinies-Longerity of the present...


[At a Privy Council held in Buckingham Palace yesterday, an order...]

The Spectator

i At a Privy Coam'il hiehd in Bllckinglniin lPalai-ce ycs.!(vi(la, an older i was issued oftering a gratuity to scanwii lrcadv in the itNval .N'vy. I LJrd J (JRu Itssell, Lord...

[The news yesterday, that an armistice had been resolved between the...]

The Spectator

POSTS Cl IIP T. SATUIRDAY M01FNING. The nevws vesterdav, that an arlnlist;(,, d ben resolved between t' c hostile 1E mperors, took every one by surprise. We rprilnt the...

[Our Paris correspondent wrote his letter ere the news of the armistice...]

The Spectator

| Our Paris corrospollnlenlt Wrots hi eit t1er en-, tb. Il'vws of tle arillistiuc had arrived ; but it pioints out a difficulty ticit ox iy hayilc inc for sojmcthing., in the...

[One of the Jury engaged in hearing the trial of Dr. Smethurst fell ill yes-...]

The Spectator

! One of the Jury engaged in lhearing lli tri:1! of DI. S othl ] J. I ! flUne 01 IlC J ul-) - 'lga, gCU l -L .... 5 tcrdav and becamc incapable of dischlarging bis dllti' . The...

[Soon after the meeting of the Commons, yesterday evening, Mr. WAL-...]

The Spectator

I Soon after the meeting of the CoLuiiolnS, )-cstCrday evenil:g, 'Mr. ITWti- POLE put a question w-,hich drew froin Lord Joim REisr,:i.i. the reily that Governmcnt had no...


Debates and Proceedings in Parliament.

The Spectator

Ffxftrf wnit vrurfrfingo il Vnrlialutit. PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OF THE WEEK. HOrSE OF LORDS. Monday, July 4. Divorce Court; Lord Broughain's state- I ment-Chui-ch Rates; Duke of...

[In Parliament Ministers uttered the assurance that the feeling...]

The Spectator

In Parliament Ministers uttered the assurance that the feeling I of discontent amongst the British soldiers in India is " subsiding; " and we do not question the sincerity of...

[An armistice between the two contending Emperors is an-...]

The Spectator

An armistice between the two contending Emperors is an- nounced, just as we were expecting to witness the beginning of the next great combat. Peace, at least for a while,...



The Spectator

LITERARY -NEWVS. The great event of the week in thing,.s literary is tlhe appearance of a long letter in the Thacs of Saturday last from Mr. Hamilton, of thc ,USS. depariment...



The Spectator

lruu i II r i ai. Onc Oxford commemoration is very much like anotlher. There arc the promenade on Show Sunday in the Broad Walk, the boat procession on the Isis, the noisy...


The Metropolis.

The Spectator

I've 31rtrapnlIB. For the firt tinic iin its history, as Lord Brougham remarked, a Prime Minister has prcsided over the al nnual distribution of prizes to the students of nl...