10 AUGUST 1850, page 10

At The Monthly General Court Of Commissioners Of Sewers,...

the scheme of Mr. Frank Forster, the engineer of the Commission, for the- drainage of the Metropolis on the South bank of the Thames, was read by the Chairman. The main features......


SATURDAY. The Parliamentary business of last night is less interesting than volu- minous. The House of Commons resumed the "counted-out" debate on the motion by Mr. Hume for a......

We Regret To Find That A Report Which Reached Our

office at an early hour this morning, of the death of Sir Launcelot Shadwelf, is but too well founded. As we are going to press the bell of Lincoln's Inn is tolling for the......

Readers Of The Daily Newspapers May Have Observed An...

anxiety on the part of Members of Parliament to announce that on certain divi- sions they "paired off" with some other Members of opposite opinions. Notices, too, are becoming......