10 FEBRUARY 1956, page 15

The National Health Service Sir, — Since You Appear At...

have grasped the significance of the NHS, the title of your leading article should have surely been 'The Cost of the Medicine-Bottle.' That expensive bone of political......

Sir,—the Warden Of All Souls Has A Fine Vein Of

gentle raillery. He has only to extract deftly a few phrases from the context of Mr. Blake's article to make it seem absurd. We all know too the skill of his advocacy,......

Sir, --may I Contribute A Word Or Two Of Com- Ment

on Mr. Sparrow's magisterial rebuke to Mr. Blake? Whether or not the latter's account of the Manner in which this totally unnecessary con- troversy has been conducted is wholly......

Sir, — May I Congratulate You On The Realism Of Your Article

of February 3. While there is much that is excellent in the present Health Service, it is sad to find the Government still wasting much time and money in applying remedies which......

Free Elections

SIR, — Nowadays all entertainment is on ice, including your political commentary. Mr. Fairlie seldom just takes one step in an argu- ment at a time but, like an enthusiastic......