10 JULY 1909, page 17

The Indian Reforms.

[To TH1 EDITOR Or TUX "SigeTATOR." J SIR,—In a letter you did me the honour to publish on March 20th last I pointed out that Lord Morley's so-called reforms would not satisfy......

Dr. Cawas Lalcaca.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEC TATOR.'] SIR,—May I crave a little space in your widely read paper to pay a tribute to one of the whitest and best men that ever lived ? I refer to......

Mr. Carnegie And The Limitation Of Armaments.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—It gives me great pleasure to answer your question in the affirmative (Spectator, June 26th). Should any question arise under the......

"a New Way Of Life."

[To Tull EDITOR OF TUB "SP EcTATolt."] SIR,—Although agreeing with the first part of your corre- spondent's interesting letter (Spectator, July 3rd), he gives no proof at all......