10 MARCH 1894, page 16

The Children Of Agnostics.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:I Sfa,—In an article in the Spectator of February 17th, on "The Children of Agnostics," you use the words,—" A con- clusion which one rejects......


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—In gratitude for the " howlers " which you published in the Spectator of March 3rd, on the authority of your correspondent "W. M. T.," I......

The Lyrics And Ballads Of Sir Walter Scott.

[To 11TE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Is not one secret of the charm of Scott's ballads their never-failing lilt? they are emphatically lyrics in the exact sense of that......


A SEER OF 1830.* "IN the old days," writes Mr. Espinasse in his recently pub- lished Reminiscences, "the ladies and gentlemen who now occupy, most undeservedly, foremost places......

The Ethics * Of Flirtation.

rro THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] your article in the Spectator of February 24th on "The Ethics of Flirtation," you lay it down that a woman may flirt with a dozen men if she......