10 MARCH 1894, page 2

Lord Dufferin Is Very Much Worried By The Constant Attacks

on him in Paris, in which he is represented as a man who ia perpetually plotting underground against the Franco-Russian alliance. He took the occasion, therefore, of a dinner......

This Change In The Attitude Of The French Government Will

probably extinguish the Monarchical party, which is dying away, and retains its lingering vitality only as the party which defends the Church. On the other hand it will make the......

The Anarchists Have Tried To Strike A Blow In Italy,

but have partially failed. Some one of their number, unable to enter the Chamber, calculated that the Members would emerge on Thursday just before 8 p.m. He placed, therefore,......

The Duke Of Devonshire, Who Spoke With Even More Than

his usual force at Yeovil on Tuesday, remarked that the vigour of his present political opponents is so great that they seem disposed to ignore even the limitations of time an&......

We Do Not Quite Like The Intelligence From The Gambia.

Forces which should be sufficient have been rapidly gathered for the attack on Fodi Silah, and Gonjur, his strongest place, is being shelled, while the Marines, Bluejackets, and......

As To The Registration Bill, The Duke Remarked That The

Liberal Unionists as a party did not intend "to stand any nonsense." If the intention was to gerrymander British con- stituencies, "to introduce a sham, a partial, and an incom-......

Lord Kimberley Will Have No Easy Post From The First,

for a disagreeable incident has occurred on the Zambesi. Under Article XI. of the Anglo-Portuguese Treaty, the British Government has the right of constructing a telegraph......

Whether Influenced By Hatred Of Italy Or By A Perception

that they require the aid of the Church against revolutionary forces, the present Government of France has adopted a new attitude towards clericalism. The Mayor of St. Denis......