10 NOVEMBER 1849, page 19

Commercial Gazette.

PARTNERaulea DissoLVED. Reid and denner, Red Lion Square, surveyors—Rylands and Greening, Manchester, wireworkers—Wells and Co. Hull, coal-merchants—Pyatt and Slater, Stone,......

Publications Received.

BOOKS. The Cities and !Rids of Andalucia. By the Honourable R. Dundee Mur- ray. In two volumes. Hands not Hearts. ' a Novel. By Janet W. Wilkinson. In three volumes. Panama, the......


On the 28th October, at Pau, the Wife of J. E. Bradshaw, Esq., of Fair Oak Park, Hants, of a son. On the 30th, at North Brixton, the Wife of the Rev. J. Baldwin Brown, A.B., of......

Military Gazette.

WAR - OFFICE, Nov. 6.—Brevet—Capt. R. Johns, of the Royal Marines, to be Major in the Army. OFFICE or ORDFAlicE, Nov. 1.—Royal Regt. of Artillery—Major-Gen. J. Armstrong to be......