10 NOVEMBER 1950, page 3

A Private Members' Victory

The defeat of the Government in the House of Commons on Wednesday on a question of procedure—the reintroduction of the un-miqutes rule, - under which private members can......

. At Westminster T He New Chamber Has Now Experienced The

full shock of battle. The general debate on the Address last week fol- lowed a rather placid course. Certainly it was not stirring enough to tease members out of an acute......

The Cinema As A Substitute

The obvious conclusion from the report Children and the Cinema, made by the Social Survey Division of the Central Office of Infor- mation for the committee appointed by,the Home......

The Cost Of Living

There was not much satisfaction to be got for anyone out of the debate on the cost of living on Tuesday. The Liberals tidying put the motion down, a third of the party abstained......