10 SEPTEMBER 1836, page 6


Mr. O'Loghlen has accepted the office of Junior Baron of the Ex- chequer. It is said that Mr. Richards is to be the Attorney- General; and opinion is divided, as to that of......

The National Association Continues To Hold Frequent...

Catholic Bishops have joined it, and the names of new members of rank arid property are daily announced. Mr. Sharman Crawford has addressed a letter to his constituents of......

The Times, From Which The Following Report Is Taken, Says—"

Ire delayed the publication of this extraordinary stateniont fur the pur- pose of examining thoroughly into the matters it contains ; but after every inquiry, we feel ourselves......

Dr. Henry, Whose Name Must Be Familiar To All Our

readers, died by his own hand yesterday morning, at his residence lit Poullebury, near Manchester. For some time past, we understand, he had heen in a very indifferent state of......

One Of The " Great Guns" Of Orange-toryism In Dublin

is the Dis- senting parson, Johnny M'Crea. A few days ego, he harangued- a meeting of the Confederation Society, consisting - of two thousand members, in the following terms :......