11 APRIL 1992, page 45

Solution To 1051: Go Nap 'el '0 N 3 C E

4 8 AI R 'T R N %LoAcAfial ri . T WN laill III D A E 111 G E IC o 0 P A El Id EA OE N Ian ki 0 OM e a On ri 12 L id Irl r R s E T TI TI R T E C 8 rl in V ri i A 1 1 11 'V a NIL......

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12 STAR OLD COMPETITION c i % oNAS RE 12 YEAR OLD SCOTCH WHISKY Odd comparison Jaspistos I n Competition No. 1722 you were in- vited to write a sonnet ( Shakespearian in form)......


A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of 110 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers English Dictionary — ring the word 'Dictionary') for the first three correct solutions......

No. 1725: Song Of Myself

Walt Whitman wrote a poem with this title. You are invited to do the same (maximum 16 lines) in the style of any well-known poet, living or dead. Entries to 'Competi- tion No.......