11 AUGUST 1860, page 21

Artists, Like Poets, Must Ever Be Entitled To A Certain

indulgence in the execution of the tasks they undertake for the gratification of us more matter-of-fact people. Ideas will not always flow in a fine frenzy—they cannot be spun......


On the 3d of August, at 39, Portland Place, the Wife of J. Bonham-Carter, Esq., M.P., of a daughter. On the 3d, at 7, Wellington Terrace, Sandgate, the Wife of Dr. J. Fraser,......

The Usual Exhibition Of Pictures Selected By The...

the Art-Union of London was opened on Monday. There are about 150 pictures, of, which the choicest are " Tantallon Castle," by J. Byer; an English pastoral, by H. B. Willis,......

Prices Current.

BRITISH FUNDS. (Cicalng Priem.) 13stuni. Moadloy. Toad.* Waxes noes. Prldog. S per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced New 3 per Cents Annuities 1880 Annuities......

From The London Gazette, August 7.

Bankrupts.--FitEDERICA CnocKroan, St. James's Street, eating-house-keeper- Enamin Joint Buss, junior, Ship Street, Brighton, stationer-EDWARD GANDELL, and HENRY JOHN TODD '......