11 DECEMBER 1841, page 20

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

BIRTHS. On the 3d December, at York. the Countess of Emascrourr, of a son and heir. Ou the 30, at Belmont. county Wexford, the Lady of Catatss A. WALKER. Esq.. late M.P.. of a......

Prices 'current.

BRITISH FUN 13 S. (Closing Prices.) Saturday Monday. Tuesday. Weaves. Tours. r rtaay. shut 88e ex d. 88} 88e 881 884 884 881 881 881 881 881 13131 98/ 981 984 984 981 981 shut......

Commercial Gazette.

Tuesday, Dec. 7. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Johnson and Shaw, Bishopsgate Street Within. carpet-dealers—Davis and Adkins, Piccadilly. cigar-merchants—\\ hatley and Curtis,......