11 FEBRUARY 1888, page 1

The Debate In The Lords On The Address Lasted Three

hours, but was almost devoid of interest. Except the mover and seconder, only Lord Granville and Lord Salis- bury spoke, and both made rather perfunctory speeches. Lord......

Notice To Advertisers.

With the "SPECTATOR" of Saturday, March 10th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. Advertisements......

News Of The Week.

W E deeply regret to record that the unfavourable prognosis of the disease in the Crown Prince's throat has proved to be the correct one. The " thickening" of the larynx, which......

In The House Of Commons, The Address In Answer To

the speech from the Throne was moved by Mr. 'Wharton (M.P. for the Ripon Division of the West Riding of Yorkshire), and was seconded by Colonel Duncan (M.P. for the Holborn......

The Session Was Opened On Thursday With A Message From

the Queen even more than usually colourless. Nothing is said in it as to the probabilities of war. The Queen is friendly with all allies, pleased at the settlement of the Afghan......

Lord Salisbury, In Reply, Postponed Debate Upon Almost...

and based his strong hope of peace mainly upon the Emperor Alexander ; but he said one thing which may here- after turn out to have been of importance. Prince Bismarck, he said,......

41 . 1 , 11 The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return...
