11 JANUARY 1840, page 2

T ' S . " . 4 - 4 4; 1 7 4 4c T ' S . " . 4 - 4 4; 1 7 4...

Drik,Kootni;, . , .7 .,. . , anded in person, with twenty-four European seamen on board, and three Soon after her arrival at the Palace, the Queen gave an audience to '......

At The Marylebone Office, On Wednesday, Mr. Thomas Theed, A

tier to Mr. Theed ' s house. attended by a Policeman. They saw merchantmen off the Nore, and ordered to quit the English domi- By a tire which broke Out in Newport Street, St.......

An Overland Mail From Bombay Brings Important...

and Chinese are in open hostility. It appears that in a fray at Macao, between a party of seamen belonging to her Ma- jesty's ship Volage and some Chinese, one of the latter was......

Ordered Them To Be Released, Saying That " Though He

detested his poli - tics lie had a personal regard ' for Brough. Cross - examined by Sir Frederick Pollock -" There are iron - works near the place where we were first taken " .......


Dress Was To Comnience On Thursday. Thoro Lights After We

had pas.:ed the iron works."......

Siderable Loss. They Threaten Another Attack. And We Then...
