11 JUNE 1881, page 25

The Poetry Of Astronomy. By Richard A. Proctor. (smith,...

and Co.)—The most interesting of the essays in Mr. Proctor's work are those which deal with the age of the Earth, and of other members Of the Solar System. "Man's duration in......

Three Hundred Years Hence. By W. D. Hay. (newman And

Co,)—For a lazy person with a constructive imagination, books like Three Hundred Years Hence, which deal with the terrestrial future of mankind, have peculiar fascination. Mr.......

Ben - Hur ; A Tale Of The Christ. By L. Wallace.

(Sampson IV and Co.)—Tho "historical novel," so to call it, which has the narrative of the Now Testament for its base, is seldom successful ; but it must be allowed that Mr.......

The Last Huguenot Dispersion.*

Fon about two centuries, with but brief intervals, the Protest- ant inhabitants of France were subject to the most bitter cruel- ties on the part of their rulers. The most......

Current Literature.

1 Beethoven, Depicted by his Contemporaries. By Ludwig Nohl. II . Translated from the German by Emily Hill. Of all !the numerous 1 writers on Beethoven, Ludwig Nohl has a claim......

Sydney. By Georgiana M. Craik. 8 Vols. (hurst And Blackott.)

—The story of Sydney maybe told in not many more lines than Miss Craik has given volumes. She has an incipient love-affair, beginning with a little wholesome aversion, with a......