11 JUNE 1932, page 14

Happily A Champion Has Been Found, But If He Is

to win his battle, he will need sturdy backing. Mr. Burrowes, who loves his birds and his England "has entered into a contract to purchase the strip of coast, binding himself to......

—and Grass.

It seems that the votaries of grass are enough to support, not only a magazine, but a great scientific organization. And, I suppose, grass is almost the most English thing in......

All About Trees—

Tree worship descends to us from the Druids. `` The Men of the Trees," who are now an influential body of priests, have headquarters in London, issue some delightful literature,......

In General The Birds That Are Less Punctilious Multiply At

the expense of the more sensitive ; that is peculiarly apparent with owls. The barn owl, which is most particular, grows scarce. The brown owl, which has nowadays the courage to......

Nearly 700 Golf Clubs Have Sought—and Found—advice Front...

; and the knowledge of the station is available to all who cultivate a lawn in the 2s. 6d. journal published, when occasion serves, from The St. Ives Station, Bingley, York-......

The Aims Of The Lawn-keeper And The Farmer Are In

some respects diametrically opposed, but it is interesting to see how Jealots Hill—that great research station for the farmer—and St. Ives work to the same end. The chief......

Ousted Home-seekers.

It is hard to explain why some sorts of birds have such an exclusive taste in nest-building sites. Why should the Kentish plover only nest at Dungeness and the roseate tern only......

Country Life

A RARE SANCTUARY. England is of an infinite variety that even the bungaloid custom cannot stale ; but there are not many bits of it which are without parallel. There are just......