11 MAY 1844, page 10


A Court of Directors was held at the East India House on Monday ; when Lieutenant-General the Right Honourable Sir Henry Hardinge, K C.B., was unanimously appointed......

The Durham Chronicle Announces That The Colliers In...

the Midland Counties have returned to their work ; and adds that several have done so in Durham, at terms which obtained before the strike.......

A Great Meeting Was Held At Exeter Hall, Yesterday, To

receive the report of the Lay Association of the (Established) Church of Scotland. The Marquis of Bute presided ; and several noblemen, gentlemen, and ministers of Scotland......


SATURDAY NIGHT. The Ten-hours project was again the subject of lengthy discussion in the House of Commons last night ; but it turned somewhat more than heretofore on the......

Candidates For South Lancashire Were Announced On Both...

terday,-Mr. William Brown, of the Manchester firm of William and James Brown and Co., a Free-trader ; and Mr. William Entwistle, Con- servative, formerly an unsuccessful......

Last Night's Gazette States That The Queen Has Appointed...

Robert Maunsell, R.N., C.B., one of the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital, in the room of Mr. Edward Hawke Locker, resigned.......

East India Shipping.

Ai:amen-At Gravesend, 9th May, John Brewer, Brown, from China. In the Downs, Thomas Coutts, Wade, from Bombay. In the Channel. Henry, Tanner. from China; Montezuma, Selkirk,......

The Army.

Wea-ornez, May 10, 1844.-lit Dragmn Guards-G. Briggs, Gent. to be Cornet by purchase. vice Stuart, promoted. 8th Light Drags -Cornet Lord A. S. Churchill to be Lieut. by......