11 NOVEMBER 1854, page 1

The-violent, Sudden, And Ieregular Fluctuations In The...

the United Kingdom, may be compared to a short Channel sea : but the commotion is only on the surface. We have the high authority of Mr. Caird to confirm the belief that we are......

News Of The Week.

THE event hastily reported in Lord Stratford de Redoliffe's tele- graphic despatch of the 28th October is still the last of any stirring interest; but the intermediate......

The Only Authenticated Fact Of The Week Which Bears Upon

the Russo-Germanic question involving Prussia and Austria, is the " ideal° note" to which the Governments of Saxe Weimar, Saxe Meinengen, Saxe Altenberg, and Saxe Coburg Gotha......

The Tranquillity In Which Queen Isabella Of Spain Has Opened

the Cortes is by many regarded as the lull which precedes the !storm. „The circumstances by which the young but not inexpe- rienced monarch was surrounded were indeed painful in......