11 NOVEMBER 1899, page 3

We Note That The Guardian Of Wednesday Asserts That The

Bishops at their meeting next Tuesday vvill deal with the problem of how to treat those recalcitrant clergymen who have found it consistent with their sense of duty to disobey......

The Remit Of The Polling At Exeter, Which Took Place

on Monday, was as follows :—Sir E. Vincent (Unionist), 4,030; Mr. A. Bright (Radical), 3,371; Unionist majority, 659. The polling strength of the constituency is now about......

At Peebles On Friday, November 3rd, Lord Selborne Made A

speech on the war marked not only by moderation and good feeling, but by the sense of statesmanship that has been apparent in all his utterances in regard to the crisis in the......

Sir William Maceormac, The President Of The Royal College Of

Surgeons, who has generously placed his services at the disposal of the military authorities in South Africa, sailed from Southampton last Saturday. This is not Sir William's......

We Are Glad To Note That Mr. T. P. O'connor,

M.P., by his speech at Wandsworth last Saturday has dissociated himself from those Irish National Members whose violent Anglo- phobia is so effectively rebuked by Sir Arthur......

It Was Ofdcially Announced On Friday That A Fresh Infantry

division and a siege-train are to be mobilised. This does not mean, we take it, that another ten thousand men are to be despatched to South Africa, but merely that another......

Sir M. E. Grant Duff Gave A Brilliant Lecture On

Tuesday at University College, Gower Street, upon the late Mr. W. Bagehot, a man who, dying at fifty-one, died, he thought, prematurely, and could not be replaced. We are not......

Lord Charles Beresford, Addressing A Conservative Demon-...

on Saturday last, spoke with great candour and good sense on the war. After expressing his regret that Dr. Jameson and Sir John Willoughby had gone to the front at Ladysmith, he......

The Times Of Tuesday Prints A Very Curious Extract From

an article written by General Gordon, and published in the Arnw and .hlravy Ga:ette the day before Majuba Hill, the subject being irregular warfare. After describing the im-......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent.

New Consols (21) were on Friday 1031.......