12 DECEMBER 1941, page 2

Vichy Grows More Hostile

One of the questions affected by Japan's entry into war is the attitude of Vichy. French Indo-China, and Camranh Bay and Saigon in particular, were the advanced bases for the......

America United

Not the least important effect of Japan's action seems likely to be that on the internal psychology of the United States. If the Japanese had confined their initial blows to......

The Spreading Tide

The tide of feeling has indeed effaced old obstacles. When war was declared by the United States on Germany in 1917, six senators and no fewer than 5o representatives, voted......

Wages And Inflation

The Ministry of Labour has published some interesting figures comparing the results obtained by its census of earnings last July with those obtained by its similar census in......

The New Call-up

The introduction of Mr. Bevin's Bill and the statements made by Ministers and others day by day have elucidated many points in regard to the Government's man-power proposals.......

In Russia And Libya

The war has to be judged as a whole. Events in the Far East must be measured side by side with the momentous campaigns which are being waged in Russia and North Africa and on......

Government And Farmers

Speaking at Preston Mr. R. S. Hudson, the Minister of Agri- culture, reviewed in some detail the progress of war-time farming. Arable area should by the end of this season have......