12 JANUARY 1850, page 2

The Encyclical Letter Just Issued By The Pope Bears Internal

evi- dence that Pio Nono has wholly abandoned administrative govern. ment, and left it all to his Cardinals of the old school. The docu- ment is not only inconsistent with his......

Ght Court.

Tim Queen held a Privy Council and Court at Windsor Castle on Tues- day. The meeting of Parliament, on the 31st instant, was fixed. The Marquis of Lansdowne had audience before,......


A meeting of the National Reform Association (lately,the Metropolitan Financial and Parliamentary Reform Association) was held an Monday, in the large room of the London Tavern.......

The Republicans Of The American - United States Have Got Out

of their difficulty in the House of Representatives, by accepting a re- lative in lien of an absolute majority ; and thus, setting aside an impracticably independent band of the......