12 JULY 1856, page 9


An inquiry has been held at Stranraer, before four Magistrates, with Cap- tain Brittain, R.N., as assessor, into the loss of the Princess Royal steamer. The investigation was at......


PRINCE ALBERT ON THE MANCH/WEIL Exittammor. — Last week, a deputation from the Committee who have in hand the execution of a pro- posed exhibition of art treasures at......

Ireland. •

The Lora-Lieutenant went from Dublin to Limerick on Wednesday, and was the chief guest at a public dinner given in the theatre of that city the same evening. • Mr. Smith O'Brien......

Fortigu Aih Tanuial.

srium—The Emperor remains at Plombieres, enjoying the baths, taking a good deal of walking exercise, and apparently abstaining from riding. He is naturally an object of......