12 JUNE 1875, page 16

Conscious Automata.

('to THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—In an article published in the Lyon Medical for April 18, 1875, and quoted in the. London Medical Record, Mr. Cheville declares that he......


MR. MAcCOLL ON SACERDOTALISAL* WE do not profess to have read every page of this substantial volume. Indeed, the subjects discussed in it, though all of them, of course, closely......

The Civil Service In Lower Bengal

[TO THE EDITOR Or TEl ”STICOTAT01:1 SIB, —The article in your issue of May 29, on "The Grievance of the Bengal Civilians," was confined to the ill-treatment to which the......


ON SEEING A PICTURE CALLED "A WINTER GALE IN THE CHANNEL" (Painted by Henry Moore in 1872, when it was exhibited in the Royal Academy ; now in the possession of Mr. H. Smith......