12 MARCH 1836, page 12

Cbt Country.

Sir Roger Griesley intends to retire from the representation of South Derbyshire; and the Tories will endeavour to supply his place by a Sir Francis Hurt. A subscription has......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

BIRTHS. At Rudding Park, Yorkshire, Lady RADCLIFFE, of a daughter. On the 4th inst., at Orielton, Pembrokeshire, Lady Owtst, of a son. On the 7th inst., at Woolwich, the Lady of......

Cv Court.

THE . King and Queen are residing at Windsor Castle, in the enjoy- ment of excellent health. His Majesty rides out frequently in a car- riage with Lady Falkland ; and the Queen......

In The Central Criminal Court, On Tuesday, The Sentences...

pro- nounced on the prisoners convicted at the late sessions. Thirty-three were ordered to be transported for seven years, three for fourteen, and twenty-four for life. Jourdan......

Ir Be Marvin:aid.

IRA meeting was held in the Guildhall on Monday, to petition Par- liament for the total repeal of the Newspaper Stamp-duty. The Lord Mayor, who had called the meeting on a......


We learn from the Glasgow Argus, that at a numerous meeting of the electors of Paisley, it was unanimously decided to support Mr. Aytoun of Edinburgh, in preference to Mr.......

The New Committee Of The Stock Exchange Have Rescinded, By

an nnanlmous vote, all the proceedings of the last Committee in regard to the transactions connected with Lakeman's affair ; the consequence of which is, that the brokers whose......


It is now, we understand, fixed, that Dr. Longley is to be Bishop of Ripon ; that Dr. Allen, Bishop of Bristol, is to succeed Dr. Maltby in the see of Chichester ; and that the......