12 MARCH 1910, page 15

Preferential Trade.

[To THE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—If the confiding followers of Mr. Chmlierlain think there is any genuineness in what with pathetic faith they call the Preferential......

[to The Editor Of The " Spect•tor."1 Sir, — Although It...

be very tempting for me to answer " Onlooker's " different questions in his letter in your issue of March 6th fully and thoroughly, I should trespass too much on your space and......

Eminent Welshmen.

[To THIS EDITOR OF TUE "SPEOTATOR."1 SIR, — May I add a few names of "eminent Welshmen " to those enumerated by the Rev. W. G. E. Rees and Mr. Alfred Nutt in your last issue P......

England And Germany.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. •• ] SIR, —" Every sane person in Germany knows that war between his country and England would be disastrous to both." So says "E. S." in your......