12 MARCH 1932, page 5

The Road And Rail Problem Reports From Countries As Diverse

as France and India regarding the inability of the railways to pay their way in the face of diminishing. raffic, heavy taxation and road transport competition show that......

The Town Planning Bill The Town And Country Planning Bill

is not having so smooth a passage through the Standing Committee of the House of Commons as some of its supporters expected. Last week the Committee reintroduced sonic of the......

* * * * Dear Meat And The Army If

Mr. Neville Chamberlain's refusal to tax foreign meat needed any justification it would have found it abundantly in the observation casually dropped by Mr. Duff Cooper in......

The Control Of Coal-mining

There will be much sympathy with the Miners' Fede- ration in its contention that the coal industry has benefited by the strict regulation of output and sale which the Coal Mines......

The Workless Millions The Unemployment Figures For...

improve- ment on those for January, brit it must be remembered that January showed an unexpectedly heavy increase of more than 200,000 over December. That puts the February......

The Execution Of Minors The Case For And Against The

abolition of capital punishment generally has often enough been argued in these columns, and there is obviously much to be said on both sides. But the proposal to abolish the......

Bank Rate 4 Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.

on March 10th, 1982. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 101; ; on Wednesday week, 100A ; a year ago, 103 G . Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 96k ; on Wednesday......