12 MARCH 1943, page 13

Priests And Politics

snt,—It is often asked why the Church has lost its hold on the common people. The answer is to be found in the point of view put forward by Sir John Inskip. As trades-unionists......

A People's Hansard

Sta,—Mr. Reginald L. Swaby, in his letter supporting the publication a People's Hansard, makes some references to an incident which tined in Parliament on February toth, when......

School Contests

Snt,—Mr. R. Williams sticks to his guns, but like three out of four of those who write to you, and other editors, about schools in general, fails to realise how obsolete they......

Britons Overseas

Sin, — Following are extracts from a letter just received from an R.A.F. officer in India. He lived for some time in South Africa. "I am often quite disgusted with my......

Versions Of History

sis,—In the course of the article on "A United Nations Conference" which appeared in your last issue, the writer, in' referring to Lend-Lease, describes it as the supply of......