12 MAY 1990, page 27

Met Men

Sir: Andrew Kenny in his plea for con- sistency in the treatment of radiation dan- gers (`Up and Atom', 21 April) demons- trates how easy it is for a polemic to sink into......

Baltic Rights Sir: While Agreeing With The Whole Tone And

tenor of your leading article (Still An Evil Empire, 14 April), may I point out that Russian democrats are totally behind Lithuanian independence. We Russians fighting for......

Sayings For Easter

Sir: There are further possible reasons for suggesting that John Casey ('In Such a Night', 14 April) is correct in surmising that Shakespeare was familiar with the Roman Easter......

Puffing Away

Sir: Noel Malcolm is looking for a collec- tive noun for public relations people. I suggest 'a puff of PROs'. Basil Saunders 18 Dartmouth Park Avenue, London NW5......

Heseltine Factors

Sir: Mr Heseltine's insistence that Mrs Thatcher will lead the Conservative Party into the next election — however much we doubt his sincerity — must be seen as shrewd politics......

Sir: John Mortimer (diary, 14 April) Could Not Be More

wrong when he stated that Churchill 'came to power after mercilessly denouncing' Chamberlain and using that example to urge Heseltine publicly to attack the poll tax. In the......

Sir: William Cooper Correctly Predicts (10 March) That...

will spawn more vigorous Atlantic depressions, but he is wrong to deduce that Britain will thereby experience stormier conditions. For the centrifugal pole-ward Coriolis force,......