13 AUGUST 1898, page 1

The Cabinet Have Appointed Mr. Curzon To The Post Of

Governor-General of India. Mr. Curzon, who was born in 1859, and is therefore nearly forty, has held the offices of Under-Secretary for India and for Foreign Affairs, and......

In The House Of Commons On Tuesday Mr. David Raised

the question of Irish distress and its constant recurrence in the West. During the century Irish distress had cost the country from eight to ten millions. He urged the Leader of......

Peace Has Substantially Been Agreed Upon. What Has...

this. The American Government placed their terms in a Protocol, this Protocol was considered by the Madrid Government, and on Thursday the Prime Minister telegraphed to M.......

On Monday The House Of Lords Gave Another Example Of

the good sense and statesmanship with which their ultimate conduct has in the present generation always been governed. By a majority of 10 (55 to 45) they agreed to allow the......

News Of The Week.

p ARLIAMENT was prorogued on Friday, and thus came to an end a Session which has been distracted through- out its whole course by the menace of foreign complications. Though it......

E S * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...
