13 AUGUST 1965, page 10

Box Populi

This week, I am happy to say, Stuart Hood joins the Spectator as television critic. Readers of Encounter will long cherish his recent masterly and persuasive comparison between......

La Neige D'antan

Everyone else has gone on holiday, although I suspect that a number of our senior citizens are only playing bowls until the news of the Armada comes. The political columnists......

Verwoerd And After

By ARNOLD BEICHMAN W HAT more can be said about South Africa that has not been said? And what new resolutions can be drawn up denouncing what has already been denounced so many......

For Me, Easily The Most Satisfying Revelation Of The Week

was that there really is a Joan Hunter Dunn. John Betjeman's enchanting 'Subaltern's Love Song' has been part of my repertoire of songs in the bath for some years. And there......

Fizzy Bitter

A word on the controversy which has been going on in The Times letters column about the state of the nation's beer. It is of course a scandal that the brewers (with the......

Hand Washing

At the time of the Aberdeen typhoid outbreak, I wrote about the necessity of people wash- ing their hands after using the lavatory. I am sorry to learn that what is probably the......