13 DECEMBER 1957, page 31


No. 131. K. A. K. LARSEN (Hon. Men., Problemnoter, 1956) Will 1 F. (5 men) wiirrE to play and compel Black to mate in two moves: solution next week, In problems of this type (no......

Woodcock Shooting

Woodcock are elusive birds in more ways than one. The shooter finds them elusive in flight, but if he is uncommonly wise he may time his shooting by recit- ing a rhyme to enable......

Prune And Spray

It may be labouring the point to remind anyone with one or two fruit trees that not only should they be pruned but that tar-oil wash is needed to protect plums, currants, pears,......

Country Life

By IAN NIALL a rule people who live within sight of mountains I i ) ;IY little attention to them, and although I am often i 1 the hills in the warmer months of the year when g°......

. Bob's Dogs Have To Be Rough And Tough, For

he is that sort of a man. His affection for them is rough, He expects them to go where he will go, show cour- age, spirit, affection, and, in return, he is prepared to get wet......