13 JANUARY 2007, page 21

Hope For Iraq

From Dr Duncan Anderson Sir: Correlli Barnett (Letters, 6 January) declares William Shawcross deluded and the Prime Minister deranged. They are, apparently, the only people left......

No Olympic Mosque

From Marlyn Hurst Sir: I enjoyed Irfan al-Alawi and Stephen Schwartz's article on the proposed new mosque for London (Ken's mega-mosque will encourage extremism', 6 January).......

Slavery Figures

From Ted Nevill Sir: An interesting piece on the modern slave trade by Fraser Nelson (Politics, 30 December) was spoilt by uncritical use of police statistics. The police claim......

Care For The Dying

From Dr Andrew Lawson Sir: Charles Moore seeks to perpetuate the myth of a 'death threat' for seriously ill patients when going into hospital, alluding to the supposed......

The Pots Of The Palace

From Paulo Lowndes Marques Sir: I was amused to see in Bevis Hillier's review of a book on euphemisms that chamber pots used to be described as 'articles' by journalists (Books,......