13 JUNE 1958, page 25

Lost Victories. By Erich Von Manstein. (methuen, 50s.)

VON MANSTEIN was almost certainly the greatest German commander in the last war. To Rommel's tactical skill and flair for openings he added what Rommel signally lacked—a full......

Floundering On The Veld

The Boer War. By Edgar Holt. (Putnam, 25s.) POLITICALLY, the Boer War was nearly as squalid an enterprise as Suez, and militarily it was perhaps even more ,majestically......

Plans Of Attack

The Schlieffen Plan. By Gerhard Ritter. (Oswald W o lff, 30s.) THE doyen of German historians has written a Monograph on the celebrated Schlieffen Plan. This Plan was largely......