13 MAY 1916, page 11

The Real Failure Of The Government.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPROTATOR."( Sra,—I am very much impressed by a letter in your issue of April 15th written by an Australian officer with the initials " A. I. F.," and......

Harvard Men In The European War.

[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE " SITCTATOR."] Sin,—I received the copy of the Harvard Bulletin to which the enclosed cutting from the Observer refers too late for use in last Saturday's......

" Lapsus Calami."

[TO Tall EDITOR OP TER " SPECTATOR. " ] SIB,—I was perplexed beyond measure by the expression " drunken Posthumus " in your article " The Universal Advocate " (Spectator, April......

" Wrist In Flanders " : A Rejoinder.

[TO THE EDITOR OF TUB " SPECTATOR. "] Srn,—Some few weeks back my husband in Canada sent me the printed lines which I enclose. The clergyman of whose choir he is a member had......

Economy And Domestic Servants.

[To THE EDITOR OF TER "SPECTATOR. " ] Sin, —I suppose it will be agreed that there is no class on which it is more difficult to impress the necessity of economy than domestic......