13 NOVEMBER 1915, page 13

[to Thii Editor Of The "spectator. "' Sin,—your Article...

Saturday's issue on the economic waste caused by drink appeals to ma strongly as an agricul- turist hard pressed for labour. It should be known that it is not only in munition......

Drink And Economy. Me The Editor Of The "spectator. "]...

thoughtful person who has the ardent desire in hie heart to elevate and tune up the efficiency of the nation to the highest degree, especially at this time, in which the Empire......

[to The Editor Op The "spectator. "] Sir, - I Cannot...

to you what multitudes are feel- ing. We are thankful for the strong line you are taking on the drink question. I am a total abstainer; I can be nothing else in my position and......

Letters To 'tie Editor.

JOHN TO JONATHAN. [TO TRH EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIR, --Lowell was a lover of justice as well as an inspired satirist. I cannot help thinking that if be were alive to-day......