12 SEPTEMBER 1930, page 37

More Books Of The Week

(Continued from page 853.) Is the machine, as an overwhelmingly preponderating influence in civilization, merely a Satanic device destined, and intended by "the Spirit which......

General Knowledge Questions

Ora weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Mr. Lindsay Pickard, 225D Elgin Avenue, Maids Vale, W. 9, for the following :-......

Women And Monks. By Josef Kallinikov. Translated By...

(Seeker. 13s,)—There can never have been any doubt as to the proper title for this book ; nor will any reader find its title misleading. The account given of the monks makes Mr.......

Out Of Childhood. By Irina Odovtzeva. Translated And...

Donis Nachsen. (Constable. 12s. 6d.)— We have, in this story of a Russian child's adolescence, the sort of book that a baffled, though wily, reader might describe as significant......

The Good Soldier Schweik. By Jaroslav Hasek. (heinemann....

is a long time since such a book was written as this unfinished chronicle of a soldier in the Austro-Hungarian Army. Schweik is more than the hero of a somewhat Rabelaisian......

The Magazines

THE Nineteenth Century leads off with an article on " Mosul Oil and the Pipe-line, by Sir Henry Dobbs. The subject is handled with great detail and precision, and should serve......