14 APRIL 1838, page 8

The Paris National Complains That People Care Nothing For...

and are entirely absorbed in stockjobbing, and adds this piece of ad-. vice—" Become rich, but take care not to be hanged." Laffitte's bank in Paris seems to be a thriving......

A Correspondent Of The Times This Morning Asks, What Has

become of a large sum of money, subscribed thirty years ago for the erection of a monument to Nelson? The amount subscribed, he sap, w ig "many thousands."......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, THURSDAY AFTERNOO.,. The Consol Itiarket has improved about A per cent. ; the price having reached 901 on Tuesday, when the settlement of the Account caused a......

The Morhing Aronicle States, That The Judges Reddil And...

suspended in St. Lucia by Colonel BUNBURT, are to be reinstated; instructions to that effect having been sent out by Lord GLENELG ; also that St. Lucia has been brought within......

Mr. Hart Logan, One Of The Members For Suffolk, Died

last night, st his residence in Pall Mall. He took cold in the City, on the 5th instant ; inflammation of the windpipe followed ; and yesterday Me, Laurence performed the......

Ministerial Journalism.

An article in the Courier solicits, or rather " challenges," our atten- tion. In case we should fail of doing it justice in other respects, we shall at least let it tell its own......

A Banquet Upon The Most Magnificent Scale Is To Be

given to Sir Ite. bert Peel on the 12th of May, by the Conservative Members of tiee House of Commons. It is a very few days since the design was erns " mentioned, and already......


SATURDAY. Letters from Bayonne, received this morning, mention a defeat of the Carlists by the Queen of Spain's troops at Ondoneda. The num- ber of killed was considerable, and......


The Earl Of Gosford Has Been Received With Marked Attention

by the municipal authorities in New York. An inquiry has been made into the conduct of the Phoenix Bank, one of the principal banks in New York ; which has disclosed a series of......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

On the Elth inst., the Countess of GUILDFORD, or a daughter. On the 701 inst., at the Craig, llownees, Windermere, the Lady of Sir THOMAS SABINE PASLRY, liart., or a SOIL On the......