14 AUGUST 1909, page 1

The Chinese Government's Answer To Japan Was That No Further

objection would be made to the widening of the gauge and the necessary changes of route. It proposed, however, that the gauge should be the same as that of the Imperial Chinese......

On Wednesday Week A General Strike Was Proclaimed In Sweden.

The trouble originated in a wages dispute in the paper, woollen, and cotton industries, the General Federation of Trade-Unions having rejected the compromise proposed by the......

The Turkish Government Took A Very Serious Step On Thurs-

day week by expressing through the Turkish Minister at Athens their lack of confidence in the assurances of the Greek Government as regards Crete. The Turkish Government,......

The Government's Exultation At The Alleged Popularity Of...

in the country has been short-lived. While there are no trustworthy indications that the nation at large approves of the new Land-taxes, there is abundant evidence that the......

The News From Spain Is Satisfactory As Regards The Domestic

situation, but rather mystifying as to the war in Morocco. There have been no further disturbances in Catalonia. But in Morocco it is evident that the troops have been forced to......

News Of The Week

Nv E are very glad to record that the crisis in the relations of China and Japan which occurred last week has passed away satisfactorily and rapidly. On Friday week the Japanese......

* Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any...
